Example sentences of "[verb] a [num ord] [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 The pair are not first-timers to the MPA competition , having won a first prize in the portrait section last year .
2 Her looks were sufficiently unusual to attract a second glance in spite of an aloof and rather intimidating expression which she cultivated as a form of defence against being the recipient of too much male attention .
3 However , these claims suggest a third way in which policing in Easton is ordinary .
4 Please state which regional final you would be able to attend from the list below , and provide a second option in case it is not possible to accommodate you at your first choice of location .
5 Indeed , he regretted bitterly that his attempts to establish a sixth form in the school had been so abortive .
6 The Tories entered the record books as the first party to secure a fourth term in power since the early 19th century and caused a further surprise by regaining seats in Scotland — confounding predictions of a Conservative collapse north of the border .
7 If Lyrical Ballads was as unpopular as legend would have it , why would Wordsworth have added a second volume in 1800 , and why would both volumes be reprinted in 1802 and again in 1805 ?
8 Classic movie-star style also crops up at Hope And Glory , who are opening a second shop in the new Thomas Neal development in Covent Garden at the end of September .
9 She was about to go out to it , but he called her back , opening a third door in the rear wall of the room .
10 Some of these schemes involved a third division in the English League , but Chapman went further .
11 He was educated at the Oratory School , Birmingham ( 1878–84 ) and read history at Trinity College , Oxford ( 1884–8 ) , gaining a second class in modern history in 1888 .
12 The agency has plans to launch a second craft in April 1994 , at about the time that the first satellite reaches the end of its operational life .
13 Its success in reaching what were , by East African standards , very healthy circulation figures encouraged the Public Relations Department to launch a second paper in 1951 .
14 In his book on Environmental Systems Dury ( 1981 ) adopts an approach to physical environment in which he adopts the four-fold classification of systems devised by Chorley and Kennedy ( 1971 ) but in addition adds a fifth type in the form of an ecosystem justified as including ‘ sets of biosystems which interact with one another and with their immediate physical environment ’ .
15 Others , who unlike the Combined Operations staff , had expected a second front in Europe that summer , saw what forces would be needed to invade Europe .
16 Once this has been done , it is hoped to set a second study in motion to consider the possibility of using expert systems to guide the personnel who do the actual licensing through the maze of rules and regulations that they have to consider .
17 He was educated at the Perse School , Cambridge , and won a scholarship to Pembroke College , Cambridge , where he received a first class in part i of the English tripos in 1928 and a first class with distinction in part ii in 1929 .
18 In 1864 he received a first class in classical honour moderations , and then in 1867 a first in literae humaniores , even though he was said to have read no more than half the required books .
19 Rosalind was educated at St Paul 's Girls ' School and at Newnham College , Cambridge , where she received a first class in part i ( 1940 ) of the natural sciences tripos and a second in part ii ( division I ) in 1941 .
20 He was educated at Merchant Taylors ' School and Caius College , Cambridge , where he received a third class in part i of the natural sciences tripos ( 1921 ) and a second in part ii in 1922 ( chemistry ) .
21 He received a third class in natural science in 1874 .
22 In the historical tripos he received a third class in both parts i ( 1915 ) and ii ( 1916 ) .
23 Ray was educated at Kensington High School and Newnham College , Cambridge , where she received a third class in part i of the mathematics tripos ( 1908 ) .
24 He received a third class in literae humaniores in 1903 .
25 Unix System Laboratories Inc has suffered a second setback in its court case against Berkeley Software Design Inc for copyright infringement and misappropriation of trade secrets .
26 As a result of the increased relative importance of part-time farming and farm work , many individuals seek a second job in manufacturing or services .
27 It also intends to open a third operation in Europe later in the year .
28 Denmark plans a second referendum in May and says it will quit the EC if its citizens vote ‘ No ’ again .
29 Hold a second bend in place to mark the length of pipe required
30 When the cleaning woman came , he sent her away , not wanting a third person in the house .
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