Example sentences of "[verb] a [noun sg] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 I decided to watch the television in my room , or listen to the radio , and get to sleep early so I could be up just after dawn to catch a wasp for the Factory .
2 Other market roles invariably involve a search for the best exchange opportunities for translating an initially owned asset into something more eagerly desired .
3 The ruling Liberal Democratic Party ( LDP ) on Nov. 4 narrowly won a by-election for a seat in the upper chamber of the Diet for the conservative Aichi prefecture , the home region of Prime Minister Toshiki Kaifu .
4 Perhaps it was asking too much of Oxford , who have not won a game for a month , to exercise the same shrewd control at half-back demonstrated by Farr-Jones and Porta .
5 One of them kisses me as if I had won a prize for the most amusing and far-fetched story of the evening .
6 PARAGON 'S Sunday concert in Glasgow at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama provided a showcase for the Romanian composer Violeta Dinescu .
7 It facilitated Britain 's surprisingly rapid re-emergence as a major capital exporter , and it provided a framework for a major squeeze on the colonies .
8 The King model of pediplanation provided a framework for an interpretation of the vegetation patterns of the savannas of the southern hemisphere and in a series of papers Cole ( e.g. 1963 ) reviewed the climatic , edaphic and morphologic controls upon the types of savanna vegetation and concluded that the broad vegetation patterns related to the age of landsurfaces as expected from the King pediplanation model .
9 Viner provided a framework for the analysis of changes in trade patterns which lead to welfare losses as a result of participating in a CU .
10 In a sense , therefore , his body provided a cover for the sharpness of his mind , and the cold balefulness of his stare a cover for his crusades .
11 The Foundation provided a grant for the installation of mobile shelving and the room was officially opened in 1989 .
12 The victory was both immediate and absolute ; equally important , it provided a tonic for the Allied civilian population , who were becoming increasingly war-weary and despondent .
13 It provided a vocabulary for the mass marketing of hippies .
14 The society provided a way for the town 's art-lovers to assemble monthly for discussions , lectures , and demonstrations .
15 In Brazil , the Communist party was illegal from 1922 to 1945 , and the abortive Communist-led uprising in 1935 ( see page 41 ) provided a pretext for a comprehensive crackdown on the entire left .
16 Indeed , the existence of a basic contractual relationship has in many situations provided a foundation for the erection of a fiduciary relationship .
17 Hennessy watched the Rover go , following it until it was lost behind a fold in the uneven green that provided a covering for the harsh crags underneath .
18 In this , the lord of Amboise 's armed forces provided a pattern for the future .
19 Between the wars it provided a market for the growing volume of Treasury bills issued by the government to meet its short-term financing needs .
20 However , the division of Germany , the decision to create a West German State , and the establishment of Nato provided a legitimation for the Soviet role in eastern Europe — and vice versa .
21 Its simplistic political viewpoint may have correctly reflected attitudes at the time it was set ; but it provided a target for the anti-war movement and provoked demonstrations in many cities world-wide when it was shown .
22 This revolutionised almost all aspects of the earth sciences , and provided a mechanism for the older concept of continental drift , which was , until the 1960s , an often-dismissed peripheral idea .
23 The two men maintained contact and Frank Francis-Francis often visited Henley and provided a seat for the Artisans which was given , in turn , to the Club in 1971 .
24 Sentence ( 10 ) tells us of a " weakness " of the " heart " , but not until ( 11 ) , where this matter is taken up again in the expression " the poor child was not robust " , do we learn that it provided a reason for the present interview : it was for this reason ( we surmise ) that the Moreens wished to engage a resident tutor .
25 It also provided a basis for the subsequent investigation , encouraging the analysts to approach the second phase in a structured and methodical manner .
26 Yet it also provided a basis for the dynamic interpretation of biological processes , leaving room for a high degree of psychosomatic interaction .
27 They developed a theory of the state which was a long way removed from the rational calculative tendencies of utilitarianism and provided a justification for the role of the state in the spheres of economic life and welfare which went beyond what has usually been countenanced within Liberalism , whether based on utilitarianism or Lockean theory .
28 Crucially , Realism provided a justification for the kind of foreign policy which the leaders of the USA felt that they had to undertake in the period immediately after the Second World War .
29 The interest of the rest of the ‘ virtuosi ’ ( as they were known ) was a more general one in the ‘ new philosophy ’ and its aims ; for the fact is that the Royal Society provided a focus for a whole movement of thought .
30 This gave the project a visible identity within the school and provided a focus for the curricular aspirations of a number of key departmental representatives ( particularly the heads of history and IS ) .
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