Example sentences of "[verb] and for [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They ask for more stimulus than their children provide and for the opportunity to give expression to their other creative and intellectual drives .
2 Imagination and reality fused and for a second the sense of foreboding intensified .
3 She did not turn her head when Melissa entered and for a moment it seemed that she was unaware of her presence .
4 For consensus decision-making to work and for an atmosphere of trust to develop between managers and subordinates , there must be an erosion of status-consciousness .
5 At the request of local residents the Parish Council has also asked for street lighting to be installed and for a speed limit to be introduced along part of this road .
6 In two days we get everything we want and for the rest of the week he has his Christian customers .
7 She looked down at hands that trembled and for a moment she considered taking the dress off and forgetting the whole idea .
8 I remember in my young days — ’ She stopped and for a moment they sat quietly , both thinking of past Christmases when their parents and grandparents had been alive .
9 Officials of the inquiry and MPs immediately called for the extradition of Klebeck to be considered and for the inquiry to be reconstituted to look at wartime crimes in the Channel Islands .
10 The knowledge and understanding gained has value in prioritising policies when guidelines for practice are being considered and for the counselling provisions which are now mandatory under The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act which regulates infertility services and comes into effect in July 1991 .
11 Marc stopped laughing and for a moment his eyes darkened .
12 Conscious that she must make the most of these last weeks , and grateful for all the happiness and love which she had enjoyed in childhood , she was nevertheless eager for the days to pass and for the news to come that João had arrived from Lisbon to collect his bride .
13 In Britain , American experience is commonly cited as setting a precedent both for what can be done and for the policy strategies necessary for success .
14 Is it defensible to have different principles for sentencing and for the labelling of offences ?
15 The initial allocation of system design responsibility was negotiated between the four aircraft companies , Deutsch Aerospace , British Aerospace , Carsa and Allenia and against the background of an M O U which said we must share the technology on this project between the four nations and in a particular way which ensures that each of the nations has got access to all the high technology aspects of the project er therefore the individual companies identified those areas of the project , were they felt they either could lead best or wish to lead and for the United Kingdom British Aerospace erm identified the avionics system integration as the major complex task that they would take responsibility for .
16 The engine stopped and for a moment there was the silence that can only exist in a forest .
17 Now more clouds were being arranged and for a moment he could swear that a shrouded figure was distinguishable , arm outstretched , pointing , accusing , a lamentation of rage .
18 But then they fall asleep , and Gollum returns , to see and for a moment to love and aspire to the ‘ peace ’ he sees in their faces .
19 Lisabeth asked and for a moment I thought he was going to slam the door on us .
20 After talks with BR 's Chairman , Peter Parker , we agreed that the sensible way forward was for a new company , British Rail Investments , to be formed and for the subsidiaries to be transferred to the private sector , with the proceeds going to British Rail .
21 I was going to do it this morning and bring and for the box that they have the old prayer I think going up to Yugoslavia soon
22 It is now proposed that the rarely exercised power of the House to imprison be abolished and for a power for the Commons to impose a fine ( as can the House of Lords ) to be substituted .
23 By 750 the time had come for the caliphate itself to be transformed and for the Umayyad regime to be dislodged .
24 And shall there insert every persons name that shall be wedded christened or buryded And for the sauff ( safe ) kepinge the same boke the parish shale bonde to provide of these comen charges one sure coffer with twoo lockes and keys where of the one to remayne with you and the other with the said wardens , wherein the said boke shalbe laide upp Which boke ye shall every Sonday take furthe and in the presence of the said wardens or one of them write and record in the same all the weddinges , christenyngs and buryenges made the hole weke before , And that done to lay upp the boke in the said coffer as afore .
25 When the academies opened their doors to women in 1919 the association changed its curriculum to offer preparatory courses , the drawing teachers ' course was closed and for a while they placed emphasis on the trade-oriented forms , like book-binding which was also started later at the state school .
26 Lord Justice Browne-Wilkinson said that it is now apparently accepted that it is for the courts to decide whether a privilege exists and for the House of Commons to decide whether such privilege has been infringed .
27 Although in the past the courts and the House of Commons both claimed the exclusive right to determine whether or not a privilege existed , it is now apparently accepted that it is for the courts to decide whether a privilege exists and for the House to decide whether such privilege has been infringed : see Erskine May on Parliamentary Practice , 21st ed. ( 1989 ) , pp. 147–160 .
28 If she is unique , it 's in the way she introduced fashion for wearing and for the houses we live in . ’
29 Since it will be a long time before the reflective process turns into action plans , we shall have to make do with what we already know and for the purposes of this chapter we can relate it to Level Three Partnership .
30 When he did , his eyes narrowed and for a moment Kelly thought he was going to bound across the room and hit her .
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