Example sentences of "[verb] and [vb -s] they [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Howie Report receives details scrutiny from , who explores the different messages it contains and relates them to Scotland 's past and future .
2 develops and trains them for promotion
3 This is updated as the system works through the files to be offlined and copies them onto the media item .
4 She was n't coming out , she like going , she wears and wears them on her back and then she 's just knackered and knackered .
5 Quick as lightning , someone outside makes a quip about my bed and Jancey , and she grins and tells them to be serious and asks , do n't they think of anything but sex ?
6 It informs and entertains them in a more free-form , less habitual way , and on numerous occasions throughout their busy months .
7 It may be less important to examine the " lowest common denominator " of linguistic usage throughout a work than to study style as a dynamic phenomenon : as something which develops through peaks and valleys of dramatic tension , which not only establishes expectancies , but which frustrates and modifies them as a work progresses .
8 If A then sells and delivers them to an innocent purchaser , the latter will acquire good title .
9 Modernization eventually takes away children 's ability to earn and turns them into a cost as they need education to earn as adults .
10 Isolated young mice squeak repeatedly at frequencies of 45 000 hertz to 88 000 hertz , until their mother comes and returns them to the nest .
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