Example sentences of "[verb] and [vb infin] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Last night forensic experts were testing the guns to try and link them with crimes in Britain , Europe and America .
2 And you 're supposed to try and link it with bigger groups of children , so if you say you say you 've got primary skills
3 If anything , they pulled together to try and protect her from those very failures you think hurt her so much . ’
4 and just the , the part here , I mean this , this I do n't know if it 's right or if it 's wrong but when you said I wan na put twenty quid towards my children 's future perhaps the way I would see is I , I would think twenty quid 'll go nowhere for their future , it 's gon na be a lot more expensive so as you 're openly offering me to take the money off you for that I would have perhaps gone down to try and commit you towards that need there and then to see how important it is and then , because when I er eventually bring back erm the sort of agenda and say look it 's gon na cost you a hundred and twenty quid a month erm you 're sort of sold on the idea .
5 And it 's much easier to try and control it on the clutch .
6 And so to try and bring them to heel , er we referred the matter to the district .
7 And what they do , I 'm going to try and show you on this doll in a minute , the hips are abducted which means they 're brought right up against the chest and then they 're pulled round and they 're rotated in the socket and you feel and listen for a click
8 Either the will had failed , so the trust clause was being enlisted to salvage civil-law dispositions , transforming them into trusts of which the intestate heir was trustee ; or individual legacies had failed on formal grounds , and the intention was to try and salvage them as trusts of which the testamentary heir was trustee .
9 I think it 's a good time to spend in the garden to be honest , I mean you ca n't , you ca n't , it 's not really long enough to try and do it at weekends , not if he wants to move that garage back , it 'll probably take the best part of the week to sort that out
10 It would be better to try and beat them at the bottom of the curve rather than when the South Africans were improving .
11 They are then invited to try and throw them in a basket one at a time without looking at the value .
12 I ca n't wait around to try and engage him in further conversation because my bowels suddenly decide they want to wake up too , and I have to make a dash for the nearest bar and the toilets .
13 Still an urge to hit out compelled her , a need to try and hurt him in retaliation for the pain he dealt her with his unhidden contempt .
14 Her advice is to try and treat it as a normal meal .
15 One important Communist still eluding capture was Jose Weibel , Secretary General of the Young Communists , and the Joint Command decided to try and locate him through his brother Ricardo , a bus driver .
16 And in what might have proved a momentous extension of this diplomatic sequence , it was at Hendaye that in 1940 , after the fall of France , Hitler met Franco , to try and talk him into joining in the war on the German side against the British .
17 With the weight of John 's head slowly reducing one leg to numbness , I decided to try and explain it to myself .
18 They are given several balloons and the object is to try and hit them over the heads of the team opposite and onto the floor .
19 okay , do n't take too much , and that is to first make a literal translation and then , to try and put it into idiomatic English .
20 This was to be her special torture then : just when she had discovered what a selfish , callous , calculating person Mark was , everybody was going to try and sell him to her .
21 We got so fed up with the leaking roof that we decided to try and mend it with some tar .
22 Cumberland also felt some anxiety about the security of Blair Castle , situated about eight miles [ 13 km ] north-west of Pitlochry , the ancestral home of Lord George Murray , who obtained permission from Prince Charles to try and regain it from the government forces occupying it , but his light guns proved ineffective against the castle 's 7-ft [ 2.1-m ] thick walls .
23 So you know , I say things like oh I 'm going down to see Zoey now before dinner and like she 'll follow me down or something and I 'll say oh are you going into the saloon or like to try and get her to not come with me , then I feel so guilty I think well poor Marina , you know , she 's here in a foreign country , she has n't got any friends and she 's all by herself and I would n't like it if I was in her position
24 He 's going to try and get me into Combe Court .
25 Which would then expel the market traders and I think the i well the ploy was to try and get them into some of the er the vacant lots in within the Ellesmere centre .
26 So will more than likely be off next week , but I do want to try and get something done with this and some of the other accounts , I want to try and get them out the way before I
27 erm Unfortunately when you 're short of money , you know , you have to try and get it from wherever you can and of course , in lots of cases , the supermarket chains have actually bailed out some football clubs , you know , by buying pieces of the car park etc .
28 and take an extra dose at night to try and get you into a sleep so we can get you back into sleeping rather than up prowling about during the night , cos it does no good at all .
29 If we 'd just attacked they 'd have killed you immediately , so I thought it best to try and get you to a safer distance before anything happened . ’
30 Stevie and I are going to put our heads together to try and reconstruct them for Midge .
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