Example sentences of "[verb] and [vb infin] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Retix Inc , Santa Monica , California says it has developed an Open Systems Interconnection-compliant distributed transaction processing communications manager , which enables different transaction processing monitors to communicate and interoperate with each other .
2 The most harmful effects are that groups develop competing or conflicting goals , and lose their ability to communicate and cooperate with one another ,
3 Others were running wild , frightened of human contact and impossible to catch and treat for many days .
4 They start behind men in certain ways because of the sort of training they are getting in school , in the home I mean , and in so many respects I think schools have to try and compensate for that .
5 to try and finish for half past twelve if we can .
6 I 'm going to try and manage without that er support on my arm today .
7 I mean I said to him oh er what he 's really got to get really is a cooker erm cos I said to him , I , I said to him if you really want to try and move in next week then you have n't got another week 's money to pay for that , you know
8 And this is what I am going to try and do on this course .
9 ‘ I am working hard to try and build on this and so far we have about 16 corporate members .
10 But when the dickie birds sing in the trees I think we ought to try and sing like these .
11 It is in this setting that I want to try and talk about Moral Re-Armament .
12 I would therefore urge people to try and talk about these kinds of things before the situation arises because this can avoid so much misery later on .
13 Erm the J C one we 'll have to try and deal with that again as a separate issue but I do n't , I mean the amount of time we 're losing from high levels of sickness we talked about a c couple of meetings or so ago , about the absence levels with some people , we 've just got ta make sure we crack that on the head , we 're just haemorrhaging money , the fact that it is not just hours it 's money .
14 For a department within C U and er we 've done this design on it , and come up with a new system , that we want to try and sell to other departments within the company .
15 There has always been this tendency over here to try and save on public spending , ’ says Professor Greve .
16 I used to try and act in straight plays but I was so bad they made me act with my back to the audience .
17 ‘ That 's why I intend to try and stick in this country .
18 ‘ That 's why I intend to try and stick in this country .
19 However , if you take characters like Lysander and Demetrius in A Midsummer-Night 's Dream , it 's obvious , even to me , that it would be ridiculous to try and look for complex psychology and motivation in them , you know .
20 However , if you take characters like Lysander and Demetrius in A Midsummer Night 's Dream , it 's obvious , even to me , that it would be ridiculous to try and look for complex psychology and motivation in them .
21 And if you 're going to try and look inside one of these things then you 're going to have to use very high energy particles , which in quantum physics means something that is very short wavelength that you can actually look inside , and when you look inside these things by , say , scattering electrons from them , very high energy electrons , it appears that inside a proton and inside a neutron is mainly again just free space , and there are other point like objects inside these particles , and these objects are know as quarks .
22 Self-esteem or pride gives the horse confidence to try and get what it wants or needs ; and success increases the horse 's confidence further so it may dare to try and win against greater odds — whether it be stronger horses , an adverse environment , or dominant people .
23 They took a soaking no doubt relieved in an attitude of ‘ rather you than me , mate ’ as they watched the canoeists jump and sit in one motion the way they had practised boarding .
24 None the less , Salmon did know and correspond with other Ranters and sectarians associated with them , and he was imprisoned with Coppe and Wyke .
25 Each company is given considerable autonomy so it can know and respond to local markets .
26 The ozone layer ( spread out between 12 and 50km above the Earth ) , has always existed and , left to its own devices , will regenerate and interact with other airborne gases to create a perfect balance .
27 Only women who are not in the same circumstances as most women can up and off for six months .
28 Various funding agencies including Sight Savers are promoting integrated education enabling blind and sighted children to accept and adjust to each other .
29 The history of Judaism provides an example of how an organised religion can completely fail to live up to its promises and yet be stubbornly adhered to , its followers being prepared to accept and support with blind acceptance , whatever excuses or explanations are offered for those failures by the hierarchy .
30 If they do , it is thought unwise to allow them to come and settle in this country by and large .
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