Example sentences of "[verb] and [noun pl] [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 So I thought if I er But I was beginning to get a bit worried so I thought well I might as well go up because I shall start to worry and things get out of proportion with me you see ?
2 We now need to consider margins where the movement is predominantly transform and plates meet along transform faults rather than at subduction zones or along collision boundaries .
3 As long as Germany 's long-term interest rates sank and currencies dropped out of Europe 's exchange-rate mechanism ( ERM ) like ripe fruit , the deficit could be ignored .
4 It is through other black kids that some aspirations are fostered and others snuffed out by stories of racialism .
5 Often local wells would become polluted from sewage tanks , leading to outbreaks , and sometimes as happened in Upper Halling , homes were evacuated and wells sealed off .
6 Colours were then applied and copies taken off .
7 From the mid-'80s , retailing and agencies threw up new players .
8 There were parts I would not have selected and others left out that I would have included , but as the whole thing had to be condensed into twenty minutes , I was reasonably pleased with it .
9 Such an idea led to isolated fragmentation of the forest , but in the 10 years up to 1977 over 11000 km of roads were built and settlers moved in .
10 The common holly , Ilex aquifolium , shares an almost symbiotic relationship with rowan , providing an extra amenity as a secure nesting and roosting place , and supplying ample berries in bleak mid-winter for both fieldfares and redwings to feed on .
11 It defines a way for applications on networked machines to pass information between themselves , and copes with one of the fundamental problems with distributed systems : namely that networks break and machines go down .
12 Not much profit came from these transactions but friends were made and contacts kept up that were to prove useful in the peace .
13 In the grounds , beer tents had been erected and caterers brought in to provide coffee , snacks , lunches and other light refreshments .
14 Dinner is also the time when schedules are arranged and days planned out .
15 The picture plane is further emphasized by the complete lack of aerial perspective ( the far houses are , if anything , darker and stronger in value than the foreground house ) , and by the fact that occasionally contours are broken and forms opened up into each other .
16 Pandemonium reigned , guns were firing and grenades going off .
17 But nothing of that sort happened and matters went on as before .
18 Body bags were being zipped and trolleys shuttled back and forth .
19 And lots of lean-to teashops with their sticky mud floors , mud walls with greasy pictures of gods and film stars ; the hole in the ground at the back where plates and glasses were washed and mouths swilled out ; grimy tables with uneven legs ; ants and wasps crawling around on the food displayed in front of the shop .
20 Her mother sat by the fire , her knitting lying in her lap , eyes closed and spectacles slipped down her nose .
21 A pheasant squawked and birds burst out of the trees .
22 He detailed his expenses , listed work accomplished and projects lined up .
23 As library users have found to their cost , the shelf that held the books marked 636.7 last week might hold books quite differently numbered today , as the stock grows and books move along , and yet the position of a subject 's bookstock can rapidly be found once the all.important subject number is identified from the index .
24 Everywhere the willow grows and dragonflies hover over the wide ditches or rhymes .
25 So I find that coloureds and whites get on alright anyway .
26 I had finally resolved to stage a roof coup , to climb on to one of the forbidden roofs iii the probably vain hope that the prospect of being left behind might change Melinda 's views , when suddenly a metal door opened and arms reached down to pull us up .
27 Gerald Sutherland , 41 , said : ‘ For a few seconds the doors were shut and people were really panicking , then they opened and passengers rushed out as quickly as they could .
28 The door opened and Ludens came in .
29 So he adopts a humorous ape-like shamble , knees bent and feet turned out .
30 There was a sound of soft footsteps , of chains being loosened and bolts drawn back .
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