Example sentences of "[verb] and [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The editor 's look suggests displeasure , but I am too elated to worry and with a skip I whirl into the revolving doors and out laughing into the night.But now , what a fiasco !
2 I use the Park both for walking and as a motorist , but more frequently for cycling , and I write on behalf of ‘ Spokes ’ and Edinburgh cyclists in general .
3 And , in a sense , we 've , just to complete what we 've been talking about so far , there 's always the question of press and magazines and house style , just to remind you that you really need to study formats if you 're going to try and as a freelance we talked about that yesterday .
4 Imagination and reality fused and for a second the sense of foreboding intensified .
5 Money set aside by Borders Regional Council to keep the delicate equipment mothballed and in a state of good repair runs out next month .
6 She did not turn her head when Melissa entered and for a moment it seemed that she was unaware of her presence .
7 One of Mr Paull 's interests is dowsing and after a visit to the famous crop circle , he returned home with samples of the cereal from inside and outside the circle .
8 No party would now dare go to the voters promising a prohibition on women 's right to work and to a wage .
9 I am now installed and with a maid-of-all-work with me named Maria .
10 At the request of local residents the Parish Council has also asked for street lighting to be installed and for a speed limit to be introduced along part of this road .
11 In this last stage self evaluation is included and in a commentary on the White Paper on teaching quality ( DES 1983a ) , John Elliott 's characterization of three levels of professional development through self-evaluation was quoted as an argument against assuming that government policies of dealing out more doses of in-service education would improve teaching quality ( Slater 1985 ) .
12 In a way it was challenging and in a way it was totally natural .
13 She looked down at hands that trembled and for a moment she considered taking the dress off and forgetting the whole idea .
14 They say and in a hall which
15 The tallest Turk has resigned and in a fit of unparalleled generosity the Commander has ruled that his uniform should be sent instantly to a fast dry cleaners .
16 I remember in my young days — ’ She stopped and for a moment they sat quietly , both thinking of past Christmases when their parents and grandparents had been alive .
17 Marc stopped laughing and for a moment his eyes darkened .
18 The forced march through Siberia becomes increasingly desperate and hallucinatory ( in fact Ypsilanti is , from the outset , clear in his own mind that they will never find the emperor ) : when the regiment comes to cross the tajga in July 1918 , the forest takes on the appearance both of a paradise regained and of a place of horror , endless in extent , haunted by marauding tigers and ghostly tribes .
19 In this society the means of production are communally owned and as a result oppression and exploitation disappear .
20 Apart from a daughter who was believed to be barren he had no other near kin living and in a state of acute depression he determined to sell up and go to the Holy Land .
21 But mainly these diseases have now been er controlled if not completely eradicated and as a result the world 's population is er is likely to zoom up as you can see right off the top end of the , of the graph and we 're expecting something like eight billion people er and , and still rising at the end of the , of the century and it 'll be some time way into the next century before the world 's population actually starts to er er to level out .
22 Well that 's right erm but then on the other hand erm there are other avenues in erm the social life of Kuwait the political life of Kuwait that I can offer , and I can contribute and as a matter of fact can affect
23 So for various reasons slightly different sorts of detective fiction came to be written and after a while came to be acknowledged as viable in their own right .
24 ‘ School governors have been given increasing responsibility in recent years , but they have n't been adequately prepared and as a result children have n't been properly protected against abuse by teachers , ’ NASWE general secretary Sue Allen told delegates .
25 When a plaintiff is injured and as a result is paid no wages his immediate real loss is that part of his net earnings that were available for current expenditure .
26 organizes the games to be built and with a team of three — and — is responsible for the amazing new constructions which appear each year .
27 Despite CBoT/CME cooperation thereafter , several launch dates for the new electronic global trading system have been missed and as a result other exchanges have lost interest in the concept or decided to develop their own in-house electronic system .
28 Since then the demand for cotton has grown and after a trial range , they now produce more cotton than wool and have even added fancy cottons to their range .
29 He slapped the conductor hard over the head for the bother he was causing and on a scrap of paper laboriously took down my name , age , passport number and nationality .
30 Liability of an effective supplier is envisaged under s2(3) as follows : ( 3 ) Subject , as aforesaid , where any damage is caused wholly or partly by a defect in a product , any person who supplied the product ( whether to the person who suffered the damage , to the producer of any product in which the product in question is comprised or to any other person ) shall be liable for the damage if ( a ) the person who suffered the damage requests the supplier to identify one or more of the persons ( whether still in existence or not ) to whom subsection ( 2 ) above applies in relation to the product ; ( b ) that request is made within a reasonable period after the damage occurs and at a time when it is not reasonably practicable for the person making the request to identify all those persons ; and ( c ) the supplier fails , within a reasonable period after receiving the request , either to comply with the request or to identify the person who supplied the product to him .
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