Example sentences of "[verb] and [noun sg] [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 There was mass saluting , mass mumbling and mass pouring out of the door .
2 A wire balloon should be fitted into the top of each downpipe to prevent birds nesting and debris getting down the pipe
3 It is perhaps less well known that a number of them became ‘ lost ’ as building stone was re-used and land ploughed over .
4 My heart sank and numbness took over .
5 He seemed to cause embarrassment to his side of the room , but a sense of doors opening and light coming in to mine ( p. 41 ) .
6 These can create even more stress on the individuals left with the burden , especially in the credit control department , where targets have to be met and cash pulled in by certain deadlines .
7 A lot of pushing and shoving went on and I panicked a bit , so Uncle picked me up in his arms to protect me and calm me down .
8 One wild evening , when the wind was howling and rain lashing down , I took Peter Brewer , a Somerset bank manager up to the loch , much against his better judgment .
9 Chuck Sherman , who had noticed the excited gleam in his young brother 's eyes , grinned and punched him affectionately on the arm as he took the binoculars , but before he could lift them to his eyes a tumult of shouting and screaming broke out suddenly among the throng of Chinese pressing up against the iron grille below them .
10 The initial sums were often quite modest as football clubs tend to grow gradually , first drawing crowds on a casual basis and then fencing in a field and charging admission ; from this point a wooden stand might be built and earth piled up into which steps could be cut .
11 These off-road vans are equipped as ‘ garages on wheels ’ to reach and repair broken down vehicles , enabling anti-poaching patrols to stay mobile .
12 200 students paid 2 pounds each to hear the Foreign Secretary talk about what he calls the soul searching and introspection going on around the world .
13 Fran had n't expected to sleep , but she did , deeply and dreamlessly , and awoke to the sound of birds singing and sunlight streaming in through the window .
14 First there appears a roughness and dryness of the mucous membranes , sneezing and croup comes on before midnight with a dry , hoarse , barking cough , like a saw being driven through a plank of wood , and dry air passages .
15 She turned to her right and set off for home , all thought and feeling evacuated along with her energy and her sweat , in touch only with the irregular paving-stones , the light-rays interrupting the pink-grey clouds , the number-plates of cars , the lines on the faces that passed her , the name of the day , its date .
16 If this happened and fighting broke out it was assumed that , against their will , Albania , Bulgaria , Serbia , Greece and even Turkey might get sucked in .
17 And people who liked to walk and talk walked round and round the perimeter track in endless identical circles .
18 Cups were rinsed and coffee handed round again .
19 If something did go wrong , if tempers flared and violence broke out , they could be hard put to control it . ’
20 ‘ Anglers broke the ice to fish and diesel bubbled up to the surface .
21 This is where the buying , selling and conning comes in — and the fraud .
22 Saturday morning was set aside for cleaning and general tidying up .
23 Chart 13 shows Mr Moore 's findings : in the successful sample the average ratio of long-term debt to assets was 62.4% after the LBO had been made but it fell to 37.6% by the third year as assets were sold and debt paid off .
24 The answer is that after mating they produce a tiny mobile larvae totally different to the adult this might drift for miles on ocean current before settling into the fixed adult form Down Norwick power station in North Wales , generates the electricity by pump storage , in off peak hours thousands of gallons of water are pumped from a lower lake to an upper lake , when the demand for electricity is high bowels are opened and water falls back through turbine to the lower lake again , this generates the power To ensure that the lower lake would never flood the was diverted through mile long tunnel in the mountain side , no one knew for certain how the salmon , the trout and even rarer that used to migrate up the old river would cope with the tunnels , pitch darkness and slow flowing water .
25 Then the door opened and Mum walked in .
26 You know and word goes round .
27 The same mosquitoes , the same sniping and mortaring going on .
28 ‘ Staff are encouraged to submit requests to attend courses , senior staff are encouraged to nominate and management sends out prospectuses as appropriate ’ …
29 Martin charging down on Dobson ; Martin , eyes glaring and lips drawn back in a feral snarl ; Martin , arm raised and baton coming down again and again on Dobson 's head ; Martin , growling savagely at the yobs , daring them to interfere ; Martin , turing angrily as the sergeant pulled the baton from his hand ; finally , Martin , white and shaking , as he looked down disbelievingly at the unconscious Dobson .
30 His eyes are popping and sweat stands out on his skin .
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