Example sentences of "[verb] of a large [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But I 'm always reminded of a large bomber aircraft coming in to land , moving very much more slowly than you 'd expect for something of its size .
2 A cops and robbers chase through the docks with our official mini caught him in the act of phoning home , where we arrived just in time to stop his wife disposing of a large bag of goodies .
3 Imagine the economy as consisting of a large number of geographically separate markets .
4 The furniture was meagre , consisting of a large deal desk , a single chair and a couple of tall stools .
5 For those whose grounds are not naturally endowed with these facilities , Paul Decker provides , in 1759 , ‘ Gothic Architecture Decorated , Consisting of a Large Collection of Temples , Banqueting , Summer and Green Houses ; Gazebo 's , Alcoves ; Faced , Garden and Umbrello 'd Seats ; Terminari 's , and Rustic Garden Seats ; Rout Houses , and Hermitages for Summer and Winter ; Obelisks , Pyramids , & c . ’ .
6 ‘ Stag Party ’ 1992 , consisted of a large pair of antlers which were pinned behind a yellow and white cap .
7 One of them , recently relieved of a large Norwegian and still visibly tense , said she 'd lost interest in food and would settle for not having all the cup handles knocked off .
8 In view of the plan to get rid of a large chunk of the assets , it was not possible to say what the net cost of the investment would be , he added .
9 The smugglers hear of a large reward for their capture .
10 Since then Stagecoach has disposed of a large part of the bus operations .
11 AIR TRANSPORT AUXILIARY ( ATA ) Commander James McGuinness was notified of a large Priority One-Plus Spitfire movement that was imminent in the area of the River Clyde on April 5 , 1942 .
12 Leonora sipped her tea in silence , watching him dispose of a large slice of cheese and several wholewheat biscuits .
13 In fact , the striking dissociations that one can observe in neuropsychological patients show us instead that skills which seem so simple and automatic in the course of everyday life are in fact comprised of a large number of functional sub-components , any of which may be impaired by brain injury .
14 Consequently , our analysis used statistical methods appropriated for the analysis of data with unobserved effects ( our data comprised of a large number of daily histories , in the late 1980's which had been previously collected ) .
15 Each unit consists of a large longhouse , a smaller cottage or longhouse , and a barn with a kiln .
16 Our club membership consists of a large number of ‘ Taffs ’ , so we have been shocked and horrified that the W.R.U .
17 Such a surface therefore consists of a large number of tubes emerging at a fine angle so as to present an array of slanting holes .
18 1 a polymer molecule consists of a large number of identical monomer units strung together in a chain ( linear polymer ) or in some other geometrical arrangement , which may be quite a complicated three-dimensional one .
19 As we have explained above , we are imagining that the economy consists of a large number of geographically separate markets or islands .
20 It has to be recognised that the construction industry consists of a large number of businesses which are mainly small .
21 TRACE II consists of a large number of nodes organised into three levels corresponding to features , phonemes and words .
22 It actually consists of a large farmhouse and farm buildings , together with two groups of farm cottages .
23 The first unit is centred on St Mary 's church and consists of a large rectangle , aligned north-south , east-west .
24 BGS work in Colombia consists of a large mineral exploration project , the Pacific Coast Precious Metals Project , which was completed during the year .
25 Well , if you consider that one in a hundred people in Britain means over half a million people , you are talking of a large group of people , who must have something in common to make them buy your product .
26 For a chain molecule composed of a large number of segments , movement of the complete molecule depends on the co-operative movement of all the segments , and as stress-relaxation depends on the number of ways the molecule can regain its most probable conformation , each possible co-ordinated movement is treated as a mode of motion with a characteristic relaxation time .
27 When deprived of a large audience she was quiet and rather unsure of herself .
28 It is common in El Salvador for political campaigners to hold meetings outside markets , where they can always be assured of a large audience .
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