Example sentences of "[verb] of the same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It seems that they are not gods exactly , but made of the same stuff as gods .
2 If it is not permissible to take into account what was said by the Financial Secretary , I remain of the same view .
3 For in such a state by far the most important conditions of production and consumption , of exchange and distribution will remain of the same quality , and in the same general relations to one another , though they are all increasing in volume .
4 Not only might one living body consist of different particles of matter , but also different bodies ( mine and the sheep that I eat , for example ) , might consist of the same matter .
5 In physics this is a simple matter because when the efficiency of a system is measured , both input and output consist of the same quantity : energy .
6 The catalogue entry claims the picture is the second version that Zoffany painted of the same scene .
7 All elements are made of the same stuff — positively charged nuclei containing protons and encircled by negatively charged electrons .
8 She 'd always envied Mandy her wonderful looks and her voluptuous compact figure , but she had long ago accepted the fact that she and Mandy were not made of the same stuff .
9 Linings Most lightweight sleeping bags are made of the same shell material inside and out .
10 Even the dust and horse-smell seemed to be still with him and he reminded you of Lamarr Dean and Early and almost everyone of them you ever saw : all made of the same leather and hardly ever smiling unless they were with their own look-alike brothers .
11 Paris , Ader-Tajan , December 8. 250 antique bronze mirrors from a private collection will be sold in the glittering salons of the Hotel George V. The sale offers a rare opportunity to observe the use made of the same object by different cultures .
12 ‘ You can imagine a series of plastic films with the same chemistry , made of the same material and same thickness , and yet each one having different properties , ’ said Roger Appeldorn , of the 3M Company of America .
13 It was made of the same material as the coat .
14 That device — whatever the hell it is — that I found in Magee was made of the same material I found melted in the other bodies . ’
15 When we first saw Mark Cottrell 's fabric wraps around his handles/lines we wondered why no-one else had ever thought of the same idea .
16 The normal expectation in the construction and interpretation of discourse is , as Grice suggests , that relevance holds , that the speaker is still speaking of the same place and time , participants and topic , unless he marks a change and shows explicitly whether the changed context is , or is not , relevant to what he has been saying previously .
17 These source rocks are the peridotites , and since geophysics tells us that the mantle consists of the same kind of material all over the world , it 's clear that melting part of the mantle beneath Hawaii should produce the same kind of rocks as those produced by melting part of the mantle beneath Iceland .
18 In this second case , identity consists in matter being continuously arranged in a similar way so as to ‘ partake of the same life ’ .
19 Hitherto , although the structure of the motion has become increasingly complex , the time scale of the velocity fluctuations has remained of the same order as the period of the initial wave .
20 Cos we 're talking of the same product , one , one , quotes ninety six dollars and the other quotes a hundred and thirty seven dollars .
21 Tuttle stopped short of saying that the Laetoli footprints were Homo — fossil remains of the same age were needed at Laetoli , he said .
22 They clearly have social , economic and political ramifications and affect man 's relationship with his fellow man : all men are brothers because they partake of the same reality and share the same Ātman .
23 They were , fortunately , not identical , though why I should be pleased they were unidentical I do n't know , as identical twins are conceived of the same coupling ; unidentical very often of two separate couplings , and so far as I was concerned the less sexual congress Hugo and his Stephanie had the better .
24 ( If say something is ‘ yours ’ you will say of the same thing that it is ‘ ours ’ when you refer to it ) .
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