Example sentences of "[verb] of the [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 As epistemic breaks go , however , it seems to be a slow one : Foucault attributes its hesitancy to a fundamental reluctance to think difference rather than the reassuring form of the identical : it is , he comments , ‘ as if we were afraid to conceive of the Other in the time of our own thought ’ .
2 I am reminded of the period in the 1980s when I was directly involved in the negotiations on these matters .
3 11.8 Plot in the s-plane of the poles of the Laplace transform of the current in a series resonant circuit subjected to a step e.m.f .
4 The poles , , of the Laplace transform of the current in a series resonant circuit subjected to a step e.m.f. , which were deduced in the previous section , exhibit interesting behaviour .
5 ‘ David , what is it ? ’ she pleaded , disbelieving of the change in him .
6 Given that this is so , what sense can we make of the way in which God , as opposed to John or Jane Smith , is personal ?
7 One can think of the DNA in the nucleus as an enormous reference library containing the instructions for making all the proteins .
8 What do you think of the Council in Harlow ?
9 ‘ It seems he chanced to be staying in Vienna also , and read of the disappearance in the local paper .
10 Richard read of the fire in the newspaper on his way back from the county hospital .
11 Her insistence seemed absurd in view of her own failed marriage , but I had always been too nervous to point this out , to ask what she made of the break in connection between the symbolism of the dress and the unassailability of the marriage vow .
12 One thinks of the way in which the industry set up a factory , with considerable Government money , to produce Skoal Bandits , and then blatantly promoted that carcinogenic product , which promotes mouth cancers , to children in nearby schools .
13 One thinks of the change in the course Of the Hwang-ho River in China , which in less than eighty years moved its mouth some 250 miles from way to the south of Shantung on the Yellow Sea up nearly to Tientsin on the Gulf of Pohai .
14 Dean designate of the Academy in Berlin , Mansbach summarised the circumstances leading to the creation of the centre and its goals : ‘ Despite four decades of close relations with the Federal Republic of Germany and cooperation in many academic fields , there is no American research institution in Germany or Austria , while academic contact with former East Germany and Eastern Europe is at a formative stage .
15 Since an injunction may be granted on an interlocutory basis pending trial ( which may not take place for many months ) and , in cases of great urgency , on an ex parte basis , it is clear that there is a possibility of the union side being robbed of the initiative in an industrial action .
16 If you then discover that of your part families a high proportion consist of the wife in membership to the exclusion of the husband , this should lead to some questions being raised about your programme which is obviously proving more effective in one area than another .
17 They consist of the improvement in one lineage 's ( say prey animals ' ) equipment to survive , as a direct consequence of improvement in another ( say predators ' ) lineage 's evolving equipment .
18 There is a history to be written of the VOICE in pop , the voice that makes present the physicality of the body .
19 So far I have written of the individual in relation to his , or her , environment of other people and have pointed to object relationships as the key connections between the inner world of the individual and his outer world .
20 Jack then ordered large rocks to be pushed of the cliff in order to squash Ralph .
21 Having achieved our reconciliation to God Jesus now asks people everywhere to be reborn of the Spirit in order to enter into his new humanity .
22 The young women in this book speak of the importance in their lives of their self-image ; how they feel about their changing bodies , the judgements that they are aware of from others and from themselves , their enjoyment of dressing to ‘ make a statement ’ , the way they want to challenge stereotypes about themselves , the pleasures of looking good on their own terms .
23 Goldstein nevertheless warns of the bias in therapeutic transactions towards perceiving refusals as uninformed : ‘ refusals may therefore be used as a justification for challenging the capacity of the citizen to decide what is best for himself . ’
24 It might well be that upon their selection the Roman Catholics were appraised of the atmosphere in England and advised not to be too obvious in their worship , galling though that would have been to those proud and independent men .
25 Particular mention should be made of the way in which the new legislation is consistently placed in the context of existing law .
26 However , there may be a loophole and that is that once the compatible interoperable program has been created there seems no reason why the interface details can not be subsequently used to create competing , replacement programs as long as there is not a substantial copy made of the code in the original program , as indicated in Figure 3 .
27 Reg. v. Philippou , 89 Cr.App.R. 290 disapproved of the decision in Reg. v. Roffel [ 1985 ] V.R. 511 , where a husband and wife ran a small clothing manufacturing business .
28 The Lords in Morris disapproved of the reasoning in Dip Kaur v Chief Constable of Hampshire [ 1981 ] 1 WLR 578 ( DC ) .
29 The relationship with humans may be such that plants are no longer clearly ‘ wild ’ or ‘ cultivated ’ , the forests including several ‘ cultigens ’ like the betel nut or Uncaria gambir ( Rubiaceae ) , an important tan source in Asia ; similar could be said of the date in north Africa and Arabia .
30 ‘ Having said of the poet in The Use of Poetry that ‘ I do not mean that he should meddle with the tasks of the theologian , the preacher , the economist , the sociologist or anybody else ’ , that was just what Eliot went on to do .
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