Example sentences of "[verb] of the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 To judge from Egypt , the traditional bell-wether of the Arab flock , they are failing to do so .
2 Even ITN has had to turn to CNN for some footage of the Gulf , but that does n't cause Phillis any problems : ‘ I 'm a great admirer — Turner 's done a marvellous job , ’ adding that while the US network has received plaudits for its Gulf coverage , it is merely returning the coverage that ITN provided of the Conservative leadership contest .
3 ‘ Did they know of the deep place in the pond ?
4 He did not know of the English habit of using such affectionate epithets rather haphazardly , and he was impressed that she should consider him her dear .
5 The zeks did not know of the bitter trial of the breakdown .
6 My hon. Friend will know of the considerable worry in the Radcliffe part of my constituency about the prospect of an opencast coal mine being developed there .
7 If the vendor does not know of the proposed management buy-out , or is aware but has not given approval , then the members of the management team almost certainly risk action against them for breach of their service agreements .
8 Anyone dealing with such figures will know of the enormous variation in coding practice in different areas .
9 My hon. Friend will know of the widespread success of his unleaded petrol campaign , which has persuaded motorists to use a more environmentally acceptable fuel .
10 Next month I will finally fall of the back page , to be replaced by columns of Classified Ads inserted by 60-year-old male Vl Diff leaders seeking 24-year-old female partners for climbing and what have you .
11 The base cost of the qualifying investment can not be reduced to less than zero by the rolled-over chargeable gain .
12 In particular , they would oppose anything which smacked of the corporatist state .
13 This was the period when admirers of ‘ trad ’ adopted a purist stance , listened rather than danced and frowned on anything slick or commercial or which smacked of the professional dance band .
14 A justification for talk of abstract ideas is that it provides an explanation of how our thought and knowledge can be general ; ‘ how we can know any proposition to be true of all particular triangles , except we have first seen it demonstrated of the abstract idea of a triangle . ’
15 The handbook , however , that is recommended for potential writers , You Can Write a Romance and Get it Published , breezily enjoins its readers to ‘ Remember that these are formula books tried and proved to be successful ’ and proceeds to outline the characterizations and plotting that are expected of the successful romance .
16 That his choice is contrary to what is to be expected of the vast majority of adults is only relevant if there are other reasons for doubting his capacity to decide .
17 They symbolized all the money that was around , the flamboyance expected of the richest nation on earth .
18 In these awards there are elements of Buggins 's Turn and resurrection , but what else could be expected of the merry band of superannuated politicians commanded to commend the necessary artists ?
19 If you study the UKCC 's Code of Professional Conduct ( Appendix 1 ) you will see that the criteria for desired outcomes relates directly to what is expected of the registered nurse and health visitor .
20 It also pointed to an important development that can and should be expected of the classical perspective : the assertion of the relativity and selectivity of criminal definitions and their application .
21 The apparent lack of much volcanic activity over much of Mercurian history probably results from cooling of the outer mantle , because a planet with a large surface area to mass ratio should cool rather rapidly to fairly low temperatures .
22 I remember when some tapes were located of the last performance that Dinu Lipatti gave at Lucerne .
23 They are the spearhead of the Imperial army , capable of shattering almost any enemy line under the right circumstances .
24 Muslim nationalists were encouraged to see themselves as the spearhead of the anti-colonial movement , and Lenin himself addressed their congress ( in November 1919 ) .
25 Bryan Robson , who steered England 's soccer team to the World Cup Finals , receives the OBE , Linford Christie , the Olympic silver medal winner and spearhead of the British team which won the European Cup and placed third in the World Cup , is awarded the MBE , as does Ellery Hanley , leader of the Great Britain rugby league side .
26 Professor Roger Scruton made himself the spearhead of the academic attack , especially in his Peace Studies : A Critical Survey ( with Baroness Cox , 1984 ) , and Education and Indoctrination ( with Angela Ellis-Jones and Dennis O'Keefe , 1985 ) .
27 He cites five such features of highly automated plants : the finely graded status structures of such organisations , arising from the more even balance than in other industries between skilled , semi-skilled , and unskilled workers ; the relatively smaller size of plants and work units ; the changed role of management ( with the work units taking over quality supervision and the machinery controlling the level of output , management is left with the job of providing advice rather than instructions ) ; there is blurring of the dividing line between manual and non-manual work ; and the greater prosperity and lower proportion of labour costs allows management to offer higher pay levels , a wide range of fringe benefits , and a high level of job security .
28 Because of blurring of the photographic image caused by focusing difficulties in some subjects , the number of subareas where counting was possible was less than the maximum of 60 .
29 If the events in each of his series did happen or could have happened , they come to us with the optimistic tone , the promise of a happy ending , which we expect of the classic adventure story .
30 On the dawn of another new season ( England A play county champions Essex in a four-day match beginning at Lord 's on Monday , both sides apparently being restricted to eleven players ) it was uplifting yesterday to be reminded of the Grand Match .
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