Example sentences of "[verb] move [prep] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Congress , as we are all aware , since nineteen eighty eight , this union has moved to sectionalization of its membership according to their trade .
2 The government has moved beyond exhortation to compulsion and thus removed yet another strand of local discretion .
3 But yes , erm it , it 's partly sediment brought down from inland , it 's also the fact that you have offshore of Rye the area of Winchelsea Beach and so-called Rye Harbour which is somewhat detached from the town of Rye , and there 's been an enormous accumulation of shingle there , so that the Castle , which was built in , that 's Camber Castle which was built in the reign of Henry the Eighth , since that time the shoreline at Winchelsea Beach , as a result of the accumulation of shingle , has moved in excess of one point five kilometres seaward of that point , and so obviously erm Rye is now much further inland than it was at that time .
4 Just-in-time management philosophy has moved from manufacturing to the university library sector .
5 The CAA 's Central Library has moved from Kingsway to Aviation House at Gatwick , where it is open for reference and sale of CAA publications from 0930–1630 Monday to Friday .
6 In the space of only two weeks , the Slovak lawyer has moved from dissident to defendant to government minister .
7 But now he has moved from critic to principal player , he may discover the advantages of the business brain so vilified by Raine 's critics .
8 Squash at Harlow Sportcentre has moved from strength to strength , starting with just two courts when the centre first opened .
9 Science , and especially genetics , has moved from academe to the commercial world , tied to private corporations , wedded to profits .
10 The emphasis in the teaching of economics has moved from macro-economics to an emphasis on micro-economics and in particular decision-taking at the level of the firm .
11 She lives moving from house to house to keep the security forces off her tracks , " Now my home is here with the Committee " , she explained .
12 Other topics might include moving from practice into industry , part-time working or going back to work full time while caring for a young family .
13 ( Ant begins to hum one of the latest hit sounds and starts to move in time to it .
14 Many of the people who were targeted to move from hospital under the scheme have been in hospital for many years , many of them for more than 40 or 50 years .
15 Boldly coloured ties draped Levinsky 's neck ( he sold them on the street ) , his synapses now like two eggs over light , in permanent sizzle , as he tried to move into stride with a young Cassius Clay .
16 Last night in Gloucestershire two people were arrested as travellers tried to move onto land in Painswick .
17 In real life , we move our heads , and foreground objects appear to move in front of background objects because of parallax .
18 Love has to move from idea to reality , and that is always God 's way — the way of incarnation .
19 During the exchange itself he 'd moved from suspicion to disbelief to disgust and finally to acceptance of Estabrook 's proposal .
20 No I do n't remember that , because we , we 'd be , we 'd moved from Street into Street and er I went to Road School first and er of course er my mother 's mother , that 's my grandmother , she was living with us then she used to live in Street .
21 Could you tell me how you came to move from midwifery into private nursing ?
22 The alarm bells that were ringing around popular amusements and freedoms as the new century arrived moved in concert with a much darker current of anxiety about national decline and incohesion , involving some quite spectacular fantasies of racial degeneration .
23 The gold price therefore tends to move in parallel with bond yields , which also reflect expectations of inflation .
24 Piphros ' head began to move from side to side , the entire body shaking , and oozing moisture .
25 So our couple , having moved towards intercourse by a gradual — but less or more rapid — progression , are likely to join in coitus .
26 We have to keep moving from house to house , because nowhere is safe .
27 If flying across country is not practical and you are local soaring , it is better to practise moving from cloud to cloud or thermal to thermal without taking the climbs to any great height .
28 Miss Berggren 's hair appears to move in time of its own accord as James Brown 's Feel Good song plays .
29 In 1974 , Emerson decided to move from Lotus to McLaren , a move dictated by the kind of restlessness and self-interest which characterize most racing drivers and , more than possibly , by the fact that 1974 was the year in which the multi-million-dollar multinational , Phillip Morris , took over the sponsorship of the McLaren team .
30 She did n't seem to be concentrating on the performance because her eyes kept moving from side to side , although she sat very still .
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