Example sentences of "[verb] begin [to-vb] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 In the first year of operation , NAB has begun to set up the essential third tier of its structure , namely study groups to examine and report upon specific subject areas and aspects of its operation .
2 The rising tide had begun to fill up the channel .
3 Back in Vienna , Constanze , for once not pregnant , had begun to take over the financial reins with great aplomb .
4 Already Quentin had begun to tidy up the garden for the Easter Fete .
5 Lesley had begun to gather up the remaining cups , but at the mention of Charlotte 's name she put down the tray abruptly , and turned with a startled smile .
6 It is an idea that has taken root recently in Scotland where local government and private enterprise , approaching it from different starting points , have begun to put both the idea and supporting environmental ideals to the test .
7 Increasingly powerful transmitters , satellite relays , and cable systems have begun to open up the British electorate to a wider variety of broadcast news sources , while business mergers have effectively consolidated control of the press into a very few hands ( Newton , 1988a , p. 314 ; Negrine , 1989 , ch. 4 ) .
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