Example sentences of "[verb] never [vb pp] such [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The government has given repeated assurances that it has never sought such dispensation .
2 ‘ She has never worn such gear in her life . ’
3 I 'd never seen such rage in you before
4 I 'd never seen such chatter , nervousness and exhilaration in the dressing room before .
5 I 'd never heard such oratory , admiring the way he took on the hecklers .
6 Supporters tearful , this woman saying that Russia had been reborn , that she 'd never known such happiness .
7 He 'd never known such fury before .
8 ‘ I 've never heard such nonsense !
9 I 've never heard such nonsense ! ’
10 I 've never heard such rubbish ! "
11 I 've never seen such worse terrible , absolutely terrible
12 But he also insisted : ‘ I 've never seen such confidence in our camp either . ’
13 Mr Wood reported to me that his servants had never seen such splendour and , as they carried it up to my rooms — where it sits safely ! — they felt like pirates from the Spanish main , he said , hauling off the booty ! ’
14 Corbett had never seen such evil in someone so small : black hair slicked back against the head like the ears of a wet rat ; tiny , soulless eyes and a face as twisted and as sour as a rotten apple .
15 And then Fael-Inis stood up , and the Lad stopped and looked around , and his eyes fell on Fael-Inis , and Taliesin thought he had never seen such fear and such undiluted hatred in any living creature 's eyes .
16 Bernice had never seen such sadness in his eyes — in anyone 's eyes .
17 She had never heard such nonsense .
18 In all her suppressed longing for David , Julia had never imagined such gentleness as he gave her that night or such freedom .
19 Diana , who has since admitted that she had never felt such fury , rounded on her stepmother .
20 Kate had never experienced such ecstasy in her life .
21 He had never used such language , and shouting the word aloud added fuel to his temper .
22 His body had never known such kindness .
23 I had never had such elevation before .
24 I have never felt such rage for M — even that day when she was drunk and hit me in front of that hateful boy Peter Catesby .
25 I have never seen such bitterness ! ’
26 I have never seen such concentration . ’
27 I have never seen such joy or heard such spontaneous praise to the Lord .
28 I have never had such fun with anybody .
29 This means that even as regards third parties who neither have nor need the protection of Code C , and who have never had such protection in the past , the police officer can not demand the production of a document relevant to the suspected offence .
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