Example sentences of "[verb] against him [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Not only have the people never voted for the Prime Minister at the ballot box : they have consistently and persistently voted against him at the ballot box .
2 It was n't a conscious move on her part , and yet , once open to his erotically roving tongue , she was helpless to do anything except melt against him with a low moan as the same desire as yesterday curled through her stomach .
3 It has been said that the surety 's obligation is simply that of paying money and , of course , in a sense that is true if one looks only at the remedy which the landlord has against him in the event of default by the tenant .
4 He held this position until May 1290 , when he was arrested and sent to the Tower and his lands seized , probably as the result of an allegation made against him in the course of the ‘ State Trials ’ .
5 On top of that , nine county court judgments and a High Court judgment have been made against him in the past two years , including £6,227 , still unpaid , owed to the Royal Bank of Scotland .
6 But in the last twelve months the fury of the entire national had been aroused against him by an aged , exiled cleric for whom he had only contempt .
7 It may therefore be necessary to proceed against him under the latter section , supposing that the requisite intention can be established , or under section 5 .
8 In his reply to Coenwulf , the pope refused to countenance the removal of the archbishop of Canterbury to London , but the impact of this papal prohibition was offset by the papal recognition of Eadberht 's earlier ordination and consequent ineligibility for the kingship and permission was given to proceed against him as a pretender to royal power .
9 An OTC dealer loyally argued against him with a vigour that is rarely seen in a university environment .
10 Better than some , in fact , since he had once had West Riding connections and , as young political agitators went , possessed a relatively unblemished reputation , with not so much as a single term of imprisonment , as yet , to be used against him at the hustings .
11 Every incriminating word that Younis uttered within range of the room bugs was meticulously recorded , transcribed and translated as evidence to be used against him in an American court .
12 Saddam 's means of war are products of modern science and technology , as are those even more lethal systems being unleashed against him by the Western allies .
13 I do n't know whether it contributed much — one never knows oneself whether it contributes or nOt — but I never took my eyes off Peter during this scene , willed him to do this , that and the other , and was saddened and grieved and distressed by the fact that everybody turned against him at the end .
14 The Gallic chief , Commius , who had been a friend and ally of Caesar , turned against him in the great revolt of Vercingetorix after the Roman invasion of 55 and 54 BC .
15 They all turned against him in the end did n't they ?
16 If the immigration authorities concluded that Mr Hussain 's assertion that he was undecided as to his long term intentions was pretended rather than genuine , clearly that would weigh against him in the primary purpose issue .
17 Mr Engholm admitted that he had lied in 1987 to a committee investigating a dirty-tricks campaign mounted against him by the Christian Democrats .
18 On one occasion when he had arranged it with elaborate care , he charged a colleague who brushed against him in a narrow passage , destroying the structure of his toga .
19 I lean against him like the bole of a great tree
20 Common Law might enable the defrauded party to resist an action brought against him on the contract ; Equity could order the document to be handed up and destroyed or cancelled .
21 FORMER Guinness chairman Ernest Saunders yesterday won another round in his battle to secure legal aid to fight the multi-million pound civil action brought against him by the company .
22 At any time after adjudication a bankrupt may apply to the court for his discharge , which , if granted , will enable him to start again , stripped of his property , but ( with certain exceptions ) free from any claim which might have been proved against him in the bankruptcy .
23 I told him I had learnt how to fight against him for a start .
24 It will not do to paint Themistokles as Kimon 's opponent on the issue of foreign policy principles — that is , as a medising Sparta-hater — and thereby to seek to explain his ostracism in 471 : it is now certain that very many ostraka were cast against him in the early 480s when his patriotism was not in question .
25 When she began to unbutton his shirt he stood , paralysed , staring at the slack flesh round her stomach , he shivered and she took it for excitement ; he had dreamed about this , waiting for the moment when he would instinctively know what to do , would take control , but instead she was rubbing against him with a cool professionalism that unnerved him .
26 He slipped a powerful arm round her and held her tight in to his side , where she purred , rubbing against him like a cat .
27 This sort of nonsense could have been fairly innocuous had it not been for the fact that under Napoleon I , the frequent employment of courtiers in great and influential offices of state had led to a gradual isolation of the Emperor , which in turn gave too much power to those close to the throne , many of whom , it should be noted , actively worked against him in the last years of the reign .
28 Mrs Brown has been lobbying her MP the Foreign Secretary Douglas Hurd for help , even to the extent of standing against him in the recent general election .
29 In late February his arrest was ordered as charges of rebellion with murder were filed against him in a Manila court .
30 Nevertheless , no measures were taken against him at the Restoration , suggesting perhaps that he had not been a republican by choice and may have worked towards the return of Charles II .
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