Example sentences of "[verb] against [pron] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Not only have the people never voted for the Prime Minister at the ballot box : they have consistently and persistently voted against him at the ballot box .
2 The Woodvilles had given no grounds for complaint when he moved against them at the end of April , and the protectorate was still viable in mid June when he chose to end it .
3 The Woodvilles had given no grounds for complaint when he moved against them at the end of April , and the protectorate was still viable in mid June when he chose to end it .
4 ‘ It had a lot stacked against it at the beginning , ’ agony aunt Claire Rayner said last night .
5 Better than some , in fact , since he had once had West Riding connections and , as young political agitators went , possessed a relatively unblemished reputation , with not so much as a single term of imprisonment , as yet , to be used against him at the hustings .
6 I do n't know whether it contributed much — one never knows oneself whether it contributes or nOt — but I never took my eyes off Peter during this scene , willed him to do this , that and the other , and was saddened and grieved and distressed by the fact that everybody turned against him at the end .
7 I warned against it at the time , telling investors not to touch it with a bargepole .
8 What if I decide against it at the last minute ?
9 Nevertheless , no measures were taken against him at the Restoration , suggesting perhaps that he had not been a republican by choice and may have worked towards the return of Charles II .
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