Example sentences of "[verb] off [prep] [art] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 There is a radioactive process — beta decay — which enables one of the protons to shed its charge , in effect becoming a neutron at the instant of fusing ( the electrical charge being carried off by a positively charged form of the electron , known as a positron ) , the proton and neutron fusing to make a deuteron and liberating energy .
2 One way of putting this difference between the bounded nature of research and the comparatively unbounded nature of higher education is to say that , in research , the researcher starts off with a fairly hazy idea of what might emerge and ends with a precise formulation or conclusion , whereas in higher education , this is reversed .
3 The student starts off with a fairly definite hold on the world , built on reasonably stable concepts and ideas , but at the end of the course has grasped that very little of the intellectual world has enduring substance and that there are always more cognitive spectacles to put on .
4 He describes a ‘ good-enough mother ’ ( i.e. , a mother as good at being a mother as any of us can expect either to have or to be ) as someone who ‘ starts off with an almost complete adaptation to her infant 's needs , and as time proceeds she adapts less and less completely , gradually according to the infant 's growing ability to deal with her failure . ’
5 Despite its alarmingly boring title , it has nothing to say at all about the Ford Administration : it starts off in the wholly recognisable Updike Couples-land of middle-aged infidelity in New England academia , before broadening into reflections on the way sexual liberation became virtually mandatory in the hot years of the late 1970s ( the Ford years ) .
6 You can tell that you have not been fobbed off with the more mature product by the size of the cuts and the pallor of the flesh .
7 George reluctantly accepted the situation and with a mouthful of curses we drove off down the now dusty road towards the Orne .
8 Gordon John Sinclair is Gregory , a gangling , amiable misfit who falls in love with Dee Hepburn but eventually cops off with the infinitely more desirable Clare Grogan on a balmy evening in East Kilbride — which looks like heaven .
9 It was as though everyone had dashed off on a far bigger , far better story than they had covered in their lives .
10 The likelihood is not that the whole system is ‘ switched off , but that parts of it are turned off in a very unsystematic way .
11 In modern English , moral and mental conditions are spoken of in more or less abstract terms ( anger , suspicion , forcefulness and so on ) cut off for the most part , from their etymological roots …
12 And it was able to set off on a totally different , and more professional , tack .
13 I have seen two crows gang up on a mallard with a brood of young , and , while one bird tormented the duck into chasing it , the other sneaked in and made off with a still struggling duckling in its beak .
14 The tenth case got off with a very stern reprimand from Matron and a very black mark against her name for the rest of her career .
15 It seemed a near miracle that it got off to a relatively smooth start , politically speaking , in 1921–2 .
16 Meanwhile , RUC 's bid to capture one of the few trophies to have eluded them in junior soccer got off to a much more convincing start as they trounced Harland and Wolff Welders in the first round of the cup competition .
17 The Pizza Express London league got off to an early start this year with a shortened programme .
18 The expense of necessary heating and drying is not only considerable , but is ultimately hopeless — it is not a tax which in any way augments a person 's living standards , but , like protection money , merely staves off for a little longer an absolute loss .
19 The month kicks off with the Not-So Innocent Bystanders ' production of ‘ 3 Steps to Heaven ’ , a new music theatre piece by writer/performer Helen Trew , and directed by local actor Richard Orr .
20 The English do not seem to have taken this too seriously ; the fyrd , or coastal militia , was disbanded and the fleet paid off at the most crucial time in late summer , only to be hastily recalled when Harold Hardrada , the Norwegian king , invaded the north .
21 They swiftly organise a counter-attack and fight their way out of the farm buildings , heading off in a most unexpected direction , not at all within the design of battle envisaged by the officer cadet commanding the operation .
22 What has been designated Industry Year has got off to a predictably silly start .
23 Many a Jewish courtship has got off to a somewhat greasy start over pickled brisket sandwiches and chips on fine evenings outside the deli .
24 I feel the Trust has got off to a very good start under your directorship .
25 On Community Action , this is an employment service programme , er , it 's got off to a very slow start .
26 Erm , one thing some people do know that are in this room , and others do n't , and he 's quite embarrassed about this , on the way home from the conference , Matthew and I had a very , very bad accident , on the motorway and we 're both very , very lucky to have survived actually , erm , but erm , unfortunately during the course , well after the accident , Matthew was breathalysed and found to be over the limit and he 's in court actually in the Birmingham area on the twenty second of February , and we 're hoping that he gets off with a very light sentence , but er , we 're both very , very lucky to be here today .
27 Because the fingers within her own warm hands ceased to flutter agitatedly , a brief smile flickering over the other girl 's pale face as she seemed to drift off into a more comfortable , easy sleep .
28 When flushed dashes up and towers with a shrill ‘ weet-a-weet ’ note , much louder than Wood Sandpiper , before flying off with a rather snipe-like flight .
29 For the first since Burns Supper were held in the hall we had to cancel as two main speakers called off at a very late stage .
30 For the first since Burns Supper were held in the hall we had to cancel as two main speakers called off at a very late stage .
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