Example sentences of "[verb] away at [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And er you you you could hear them patting this butter outside a shop you know , it was a lovely sound on marble slabs and they were patting away at this butter .
2 Another girl , who looked wretchedly unhappy and as if she might be going to fade away at any moment , practically had a miscarriage on stage one night as a result of some pills she 'd been made to take by her awful lout of a lover .
3 In some houses the fire grate was loose in the wall and looked liable to fall away at any moment … perhaps when full of live coals and with a pan of boiling water .
4 Whenever I hear a man being witty or sensible or kindly or civilized I think : the qualities which now seem so much a part of this man could be stripped away at any time , and there would be left just a man who suffered and who fought with his suffering like an animal .
5 But last year American Airlines and United started nibbling away at this business when they replaced bankrupt Pan Am and TWA on many of the services between America and London .
6 Trinidadians , disgusted by their violence ( they captured Mr Robinson and shot him in the leg ) , nevertheless reckoned that poor people had a lot to grumble about , as the government slashed away at public spending to rectify past extravagance .
7 The iron-clad Monitor and Merrimack hammered away at each other in the American Civil War .
8 She watched him whip his horse and drive away at breakneck speed .
9 All nine aircraft clattered away at full power down the ‘ deck ’ , with their nosewheels coming off the ground very quickly , in what was one of the most impressive set pieces seen by the writer in many years .
10 and it a it had happened to of slipped away at that time and I went to step off , and , with it not being blown up properly that 's how it just flattened and I went off sid I 've still got a big bruise on my left knee !
11 For several weeks now he had been chipping away at this problem of finding Elsie , slowly nagging it into submission .
12 Then I saw Barak 's car being driven away at high speed .
13 Katya looked away at this point , the shame and embarrassment of that recollection burning in her eyes .
14 Even the pair of plumed cockatoos that normally chattered away at each other in their wrought-iron enclosure were asleep on their perches .
15 The noise of music did not reach this far , but the voices of the women , who chattered away at full blast , were just as loud .
16 Following well-rehearsed dismounting drills , the riflemen poured out of the Warriors and in next to no time were providing their own fire support as the Warriors reversed away at high speed to give covering fire from positions where they would be less vulnerable to short-range anti-tank weapons .
17 Quite apart from the unique trousers , the jacket was similar to those worn by cavalry officers as dress kit , buttoned at the throat and falling away at each side .
18 You drive along a narrow , twisting road half-way up a mountain of rocks and boulders , supporting nothing but scrub and heather plus a few of the tougher and more foolhardy breed of sheep , round a bend and then , suddenly , you look down and there is the valley , with its winding river , fertile fields , a village tucked away at one end , and a verdancy that knocks you for six with its lushness .
19 She used ter sit in the Kings Arms on the comer o' Page Street shellin' 'er peas in the summer an' puffin' away at that clay pipe of 'ers .
20 Although it was barely daylight , they were already twittering and tweeting away at full pelt .
21 The advanced technology of Ticene means that any grease splashes which land on the inside of the oven , spread themselves over a large area and burn away at normal cooking temperatures .
22 I keep hammering away at this point but it applies to so many areas and it 's so rarely done .
23 A boy , Astyanax , runs away at one end , looking back as his mother Andromache heaves a great pestle to club a Greek who has struck a Trojan down .
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