Example sentences of "[verb] our [adj] [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 We want our own money for the housework we do .
2 We define ourselves as ‘ normal ’ by repressing our own capacity for violence or the visionary — just as we suppress and marginalize those people in the body politic who 've gone over limits .
3 We fixed our first session for the following week , and with a little planning there could be a further session before I went back to Bristol for my first day return since being a resident .
4 I hope too that a good many of us will with true Somervillian spirit defy the grey hairs and wrinkles and turn up to celebrate our golden anniversary for lunch at Somerville on Sunday September 29th 1991 .
5 You might get a bit crumpled from here on in as we 've seen our last hotel for a bit .
6 We are anxious to express our wholehearted support for the renewal , on a permanent basis , of the Nuclear-Non Proliferation Treaty — an objective which we know is shared by HMG .
7 Buckingham Palace , 12th December 1987 My dear Miss Jones , We are writing to you to express our sincere gratitude for the way in which you recently risked your life by diving in front of the runaway horse of one of our Lifeguards to save one of our Royal corgis .
8 MY WIFE and I would like to express our sincere gratitude for the heart-warming friendliness shown to us by the Liverpool citizens we met at the celebrations .
9 That underlines our repeated call for a full and proper defence review .
10 By then she 'd had our second child for which I got blamed as she had n't wanted to be pregnant again .
11 We on this side of the house , have a number of specific dis disagreements about the er way in which specific boundaries have been drawn in addition members will remember our strong call for an additional Scottish seat .
12 These winds make Bitez our recommended centre for those keen on developing more advanced sailing skills — trapezing , strong wind sailing , bombing in Lasers or struggling with windsurfers .
13 Despite Sealink 's best efforts , I ca n't wait to escape our tiny cabin for the Bentley , whose interior I reckon has about the same amount of room but is more expensively trimmed .
14 She 's going to use our spare desk for a spot of psychometry . ’
15 On the other hand , we can choose to use our free will for inner and outer growth , to bring about change that does not impinge upon another 's space .
16 If it 's happening so often then should we not be having our own procedure for that to happen ?
17 At a simple and obvious level , he argued fairly recently ( 1973 : 491 ) that they served to satisfy our innate desire for regularity and symmetry , and also permitted effects of relief and surprise through contrast .
18 ‘ And , ’ he added , ‘ there 's half a dozen small lorries to carry heavy supplies — stuff like diesel to run our own generator for electricity if the hydroelectric power fails . ’
19 We are assuming that the knowledge concepts and skills , also the development of attitudes and personal qualities , will be delivered through the foundation subjects , options , extra-curricular activities , tutorial and careers guidance programme , and our extensive individual staff-student consultations which are a major feature of the school 's work , and perhaps more than anything else manifest our central concern for the academic and personal needs of each student .
20 Most of these problems are to do with the nature of conversational English , which still suffers badly from our attempts to describe it using models which originate in earlier studies of the written language , and which have been influenced by what I can only call our innate desire for things to be neat and regular .
21 In his book , One Hundred Days in Europe , he wrote : ‘ Our recently naturalized fellow-citizens , of a different blood and different religion , must not suppose that we are going to forget our inborn love for the mother to whom we owe our being . ’
22 This is the Thursday at the end of this year 's JFIT conference in Manchester when we plan to hold our inaugural workshop for the safety critical systems research programme .
23 This recognition strengthens our mutual commitment for life and justice with our Lord who declares : ‘ Blessed are the peace makers ’ ’ .
24 John Major said : ‘ I have reflected long and hard but have reached the conclusion that we can not rewrite history by substituting our latter-day judgment for that of contemporaries , whatever we might think . ’
25 At the same time , we are now quite possibly reaching our greatest potential for that change .
26 At any time we know that we can change our earthly vision for the sublime .
27 Permits are required , ask our local representative for details .
28 ‘ We 'll pick our strongest side for the one-days , although it 's unlikely we 'll bring someone in cold for the Test , ’ he revealed .
29 As we fight crime we will fully implement our National Strategy for Combating Drug Abuse .
30 And speak your own language , please : we 'll even teach it to you in our schools to prove how understanding we are , just so long as you do our dirty work for less wages than our own kind are prepared to accept : just so long as you keep yourselves to yourselves , and do n't let your children marry ours , because what we 're all terrified of , so terrified the word 's gone out of the vocabulary .
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