Example sentences of "[verb] our [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Twice I asked Ward about this , the first time just after we had come out of the cloud on the eastern slope of the pass and had caught our first glimpse of Cajamarca far away in the valley below , and then again when we stopped at the Baños del Inca to ask our way , the hot springs steaming beside the public baths .
2 More than any others in the alliance , we have stated our willingness to host and to accept our nuclear responsibilities during the years that such forces have been present in Europe .
3 The problem is that there are 75 ridings a year and to give a wider berth would concentrate our low flying over other parts of the countryside to the detriment of the inhabitants there .
4 Given then that we need and want our own beliefs to be true , the next question is : how do we get them ?
5 We want our own money for the housework we do .
6 Censorship is the banning of material on political grounds , selection is matching our proposed client with their projected information and leisure needs .
7 It became evident that there was no shortage of topics , and we decided that a conference was indeed called for in which we could pursue our shared interest in peaceful societies and attempt to challenge what we all regarded as a biased approach which presented human behaviour in terms of how aggressive drives are handled .
8 Not only do these pictures help to consolidate our general knowledge of glass-making processes , but they also reveal some new and important evidence on the ways in which specific types of glass wares were produced .
9 We also send our good wishes to three of our Teachers who will be celebrating their marriages shortly — Anna Koller — who is going to New Zealand to live after her wedding — Jane Rogers and Ruth Bell .
10 I express my sympathy , along with that of my two parliamentary colleagues who are at funerals in Northern Ireland , for the families of those who have been killed and send our sincere wishes to those who have been seriously injured for a speedy and full recovery .
11 18 LATE NEWS You will be sorry to hear that 's husband died suddenly at home after many years of ill-health and we send our heartfelt sympathy to and her family .
12 ‘ We send our little bastards to Cranborne — why should n't we take their money ? ’
13 We define ourselves as ‘ normal ’ by repressing our own capacity for violence or the visionary — just as we suppress and marginalize those people in the body politic who 've gone over limits .
14 Unfortunately , as we have been at pains to argue , to do so would be only to impose our own interpretation of reality on the reader .
15 It is especially so when we try to impose our twentieth-century interpretation upon a word which once conveyed a subtly , or dramatically , different meaning in the past .
16 Perhaps it 's time we visited our noble Prince of Wales and the Lord Gaveston at Woodstock . ’
17 In the same way , the electronic spectra of molecules can give information about their electronic structures , and have helped to establish our present understanding of chemical bonding in molecules .
18 The Central Council of Physical Recreation helped to establish our first course in 1955 with an external examiner from the physical education profession joining internal adjudicators to ensure compatibility with nationally accepted standards at the qualifying examination .
19 We oppose this on the basis that it reinforces our current oppression under capitalism — women being divorced from the means of production .
20 " It helps us preserve our natural areas by increasing opportunities for the people who are living around them .
21 Third , as we monitored our representative sample of schools over a three year period , we could perceive some of them undergoing a process of structural transition , shifting away from the simple two-tier model towards departmentalism and/or a matrix structure .
22 Since handling of tools and weapons requires precise manipulation of the fingers and thumb , a dextral bias in hand preference for wielding these implements might have predisposed our earliest ancestors towards the use of the right hand for gestural communication .
23 The people the people who are living in Kuwait , they got all the basic erm services such as electricity and water , which is , you know , water is processed a mechanically processed system , we do n't have rivers and we do n't have portable water wells erm we process our own water through erm desalination plants located at on the gulf .
24 By the way , the ‘ box ’ had a had a hole in it ; disconnecting it from the air intake manifold and replacing it with a blank plug seems to have solved our original problem with no immediately apparent side-effects .
25 Above all , Liberal Democrats will trust our fellow citizens with the truth .
26 Pressing our itching ears to the caressing fingers .
27 ‘ I do think , and I 'm sure you share my feelings on this one , ’ Wheeler continued minatorily , ‘ that he needs our especial support at this juncture .
28 GUITAR OF THE YEAR 1993 WIN A CUSTOM PRS CUSTOM 10 TOP Our second Guitar Of The Year competition gives you the chance to win the product which came out a clear winner in the ‘ most desired instrument ’ section of our 1992 readership survey …
29 We shouted our biological achievements at each other as if nothing else mattered .
30 We base our gravest decisions on a complex system of conceptions , most of which presuppose the confidence that we will not be betrayed .
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