Example sentences of "[verb] find [pn reflx] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The message from my friend is this : that you should keep that pretty little nose out of things that do n't concern you if you do n't want to find yourself in a whole load of trouble .
2 This is why , at the moment , I 'm being a bit cautious about remaining in my cavity I do n't want to find myself in the situation that I 'm held to sell .
3 She did n't want to find herself with a one-way Goldenrail Supersaver to Belsen .
4 She did not want to find herself in a hierarchical situation in relation to others at work , thereby creating false barriers and reinforcing the capitalist class structure .
5 The liberal-historians , on the other hand , tend to find themselves in a somewhat more tricky position .
6 When I want to find myself in the dream of the New Look , I have to reconstruct the picture , look down at my sandals and the hem of my dress , for in the dream itself I am only an eye , watching .
7 She tried to find herself on the map , but the printed boulevards and blocks writhed whenever she looked up at the street , making new patterns .
8 By the time I 've got up there and slithered through the cut-through , Casey has found himself in a fight .
9 One scholar has found himself in the awkward position of having to describe William Falconer , author of The Shipwreck , as ‘ a peasant of the sea ’ .
10 Meanwhile , the FRCN has found itself without an outlet in most state capitals .
11 In this chapter I have made no attempt to discuss why it should be that the DES has found itself in the situation of promulgating these various initiatives , or indeed how it sees the relationship between them .
12 About one person in two can expect to find themselves on an operating table at some time in their lives .
13 I 'd found myself in the company of two groups of schoolchildren between the ages of seven and thirteen who 'd come to take part in this year 's Young National Trust Theatre production , Two Nations , an exploration of the divisions existing in Victorian society .
14 She 'd found herself on the receiving end of a great deal of teasing about her impromptu topless dip in the sea and her valiant rescuer , and she 'd fenced it as calmly as she could .
15 I happened to find myself with the Commander on the gallery one afternoon : the other usual suspects were missing .
16 Where would you most like to find yourself on a Sunday morning ?
17 So I think he 's going to find himself in a lot of trouble .
18 If she 's not careful , her poor old taxi is going to find itself off the road for a week .
19 On the Left Bank the Germans began to find themselves at an increasing tactical disadvantage .
20 The Socialist League began to find itself in the same critical relationship with the Labour Party which had forced its predecessor , the ILP , to disaffiliate .
21 What 's the strangest place you have ever woken to find yourself on a Sunday morning ?
22 For a fleeting instant she felt as though she had woken to find herself in the lair of a dangerous wild animal .
23 having found themselves for no good reason sitting together : Liz and Alix discovered that both came from Yorkshire , and that neither played lacrosse , nor had ever seen it being played , and Esther joined the discussion by volunteering that she had herself managed to avoid playing netball for the past three years on the grounds that she was too small .
24 Alternatively , you might have found yourself without the ready money you needed to snap up a bargain — like that washing machine you saw in the sales .
25 ‘ If Dobson had been any more seriously injured you 'd have found yourself in a cell by now . ’
26 Or worse : they might have found themselves in a tit-for-tat war with DeVore 's lieutenants .
27 Had John Dorahy not rashly attempted a dropped goal on the first tackle in the closing stages , the Second Division side might have found themselves in the final .
28 If I had chosen the North Stand I would have found myself in the middle of those awful drunken , swearing and spitting Ards fans .
29 Incredible , bloody incredible , that the Service should have found itself within a whisker of escape , within a few heartbeats …
30 The court was influenced by evidence pointing to the fact that the defendants had been negligent and it was stated that had steps been taken to mitigate the nuisance , the Council would not have found itself in the position it was now in .
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