Example sentences of "[verb] how [verb] we [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 How that 's done I do n't know how do we reach these people there 's a broad sheet that goes to the school 's am I right Jan ?
2 We have , well I would erm , let's see how do we do this , we 've got a motion on the floor , erm , anybody else ?
3 ‘ And what we know how to do we know how to do well . ’
4 I mean there was , there was a wonderful Times cartoon , I do n't know if you saw it , of Yeltsin showing all the troubles he , he could n't control his government , there were economic problems , people were being nasty to him apparently as he was saying how do we manage and it turns out of course at the end , the final kick line is he 's talking about John Major 's situation .
5 Oh yeah there was lots of foreigners , Americans and foreign people there all with maps out on the tables , trying to find their way round York , which I knew that Stuart knew so it was n't too bad for us , but there 's loads of people , you know thought how do we get to this from here and well it 's certainly a a an experience .
6 By this I mean how do we prevent the curriculum experience of the children being continually teacher-directed forward , moving without time for reflection , reinforcement , space to breathe ?
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