Example sentences of "[verb] over [art] [adv] long " in BNC.

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1 We 've got to look at it in those terms , and so it is not necessary in my submission for anyone to prove at the moment there is at least five thousand dwellings short , erm that that is something which ought to be considered over a much longer time period .
2 The corrosion emanated from the joint between the bottom of the pressure dome and the fuselage and there was nicotine tar staining on the edge of the corroded area indicating that it had developed over a relatively long period .
3 These were ‘ asymmetrical cyclical troughs ’ because recovery of output was spread over a much longer period than its initial loss , and because many factories closed for good in the second recession .
4 The major difference appears to be that of timescale ; perfusion is spread over a much longer time scale than arterial infusion .
5 In the developed world , the harnessing of fossil fuel energy as well as other scientific developments , and their application to agricultural systems , has opened up a new range of agricultural possibilities : but all this has happened over a relatively long time period and is not without its environmental implications .
6 The circular changed and allowed that joint finance money to be paid over a much longer period and virtually in perpetuity .
7 ( Monday to Friday ) , giving a taste of the kind of stamina that will ultimately be required over a much longer period .
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