Example sentences of "[verb] into the [noun sg] system " in BNC.

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1 Documents leaked to The Observer purport to reveal that radionuclides , which have been associated with cancer , are being discharged into the sewage system from 750 locations in the Thames region , including hospitals , universities and industrial sites .
2 The Inland Revenue will merely oversee the process under which thousands of properties will be given over to estate agents to lump into the banding system .
3 No matter how securely the front door might be barred with entry codes and passwords , American operators , holding the key to the secret back door , could break into the PROMIS systems operated by Cyprus , Egypt , Syria , Pakistan , Turkey , Kuwait , Israel , Jordan , Iran and Iraq whenever they wished , access the data stored there and get out again without arousing the slightest suspicion that the security of those systems had been breached — an incalculable advantage , not only in collecting and verifying intelligence data from those countries , but also in assessing the actual , as opposed to the professed , level of cooperation extended by their governments . )
4 For example , customer enquiries and correspondence can be scanned into the computer system on receipt , or entered by the telephone operator .
5 I believe that the very speed at which they have been absorbed into the school system indicates an uncritical acceptance of the package because it is new and modern and fashionable and that there has been little serious examination of which aspects are relevant and which are not .
6 Atari makes it more difficult by writing into the operating system ( the instructions that govern how the computer handles data ) an instruction that does not allow the computer to talk to disc drive and cartridge at the same time .
7 In his influential discussion of American kinship , Schneider argues that there are two basic principles built into the kinship system : blood and marriage .
8 The inequality built into the education system simply reinforces the position of black children .
9 And the long-term reason for under-saving is not the after-shock of financial deregulation ( a temporary worry ) but the anti-saving bias that is built into the tax system .
10 This is because a significant factor is the degree to which assumptions are built into the information system and thereby influence and affect the decision making .
11 By analysing this concept it is possible to suggest four alternative decision-making systems that vary as the level of assumptions built into the information system increases .
12 This is where management has total confidence in the assumptions and values that are built into the information system .
13 Students were being deliberately channelled into the state system ;
14 Users can then evaluate the alternatives and participate in the selection of the dialogue which will be eventually incorporated into the IT system .
15 These are also processes which can be easily incorporated into the computer system .
16 Once aluminium passes into the water system it is toxic to fish , and may find its way into human drinking systems .
17 I speak into the entry system .
18 When a bar code is read , all that is fed into the computer system is the same number .
19 Once again all social workers in the Special Services Team were to be attached to special schools with under fives inevitably drawn into the specialist system again .
20 But some of these substances make their way upstream , says Greenpeace , and mix with pesticides which have leached into the water from farmland , and other chemicals from firms legally allowed to discharge into the sewage system .
21 Under a third of the 23,000 litres stored was thought to have got into the supply system .
22 The defect in this case though , a drop of sealant had got into the lubrication system , went beyond mere teething trouble .
23 His distress could have been alleviated with treatment far earlier if he had been diverted into the hospital system straight from the police station , or direct from the court , rather than via prison .
24 The report states that rates of child poverty ’ remained constant in the 1980 's for most countries , but doubled in the United Kingdom The results of longitudinal studies suggest that countries that have more child poverty and do not provide universal child care or other programmes to reduce inequalities before the child goes into the school system will have more crime .
25 The report recommended that public schools should progressively be integrated into the state system by taking pupils who would be given state grants .
26 Hodson-Smith has sent papers detailing his fears to the three stations involved and Nuclear Electric is studying them , although it emphasises that the software has not yet been fully integrated into the control system for the reactors .
27 To me , who on a good day just about understood that there was no danger of the water 's getting into the wiring system and fusing everything or worse , and was amazed that the record-player did n't run erratically , the whole set-up was a major miracle .
28 Under Ceauşescu , they were subject to ever heavier taxes and requisitioning of their produce , but even so found ways around the worst shortages suffered by those tied into the State system .
29 ‘ People going to work , people going to school , journeys that do n't fit into the Underground system . ’
30 Microsoft is unlikely to build into the operating system the number of invaluable features the folks at Central Point have stuffed into PC Tools 8 .
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