Example sentences of "[verb] its [noun pl] [conj] the " in BNC.

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1 This bill was criticized and amended in the Lords ; and as the original bill has not survived we can not know its contents or the government 's intentions .
2 It has its moments but the joke wears thin after about ten minutes and the final hour is boring and pathetic .
3 This option has its advantages as the presence of competition prevents either supplier becoming complacent .
4 The management had the financial support of the Industrial Bank of Japan , the Employers Federation ensured that Nissan 's subcontractors would receive alternative orders , and its rivals guaranteed that they would not steal its markets while the firm was out of production .
5 Always the sky imposes its moods and the landscape beneath responds in perfect harmony .
6 A full-time multiprofessional Management Board would be created to implement its policies and the link between them was the Chief Executive who sat on both .
7 They said of Dr Barnard that from fragments so minuscule as almost to deceive a magnifying glass he could reconstitute a bomb to the point of identifying the factory that made its components and the man who assembled it .
8 A sodden pedlar out of Saxburgh brought the news that the mill-race there had broken its banks and the pond lay right across the Norwich road .
9 The station was the product of French television deregulation five years ago , but it never established the audience size or advertising to sustain its costs and the debt that its owners had taken on to launch it .
10 The industry has done much to publicise its fees and the way it calculates charges but cost still remains a hurdle for many companies .
11 Soon thereafter , Time magazine told its readers that the Milwaukee Project ‘ offers persuasive evidence that mental retardation in the offspring of mentally retarded mothers can be prevented ’ .
12 At the same time the West German government stated its suspicions that the Chilean government was concealing deeds occurring in the colony and that it thus shared responsibility for " the reported tortures , maltreatment and denial of personal liberties " said to be taking place there .
13 It is necessary for the nurse not only to be concerned with the outcome of the action but she must understand its origins and the process of carrying it out .
14 Er , I also wanted to raise the issue of er the public service section in respect to er this because there 's something prob perhaps not actually tackled in the resolution but equally er important I think is that it 's actually getting the resources into er er down to the br branch level and er if we took this resolution literally , er what it would actually mean would be that er in har with harmonization of agreements we would be handing over er our majority on the manual workers , public service workers to , so obviously we got ta take this resolution very seriously , but consider its implications and the relevance of the word appropriate because I do n't think that we want to be er handed over to come July the first er single table bargaining where we are an absolute minority and where th th that union merge that 's taking place is obviously hostile to our union .
15 Very soon afterwards , the archdiocese withdrew its plans and the church thankfully continues in use .
16 By the middle of November the funeral service had to submit its findings and the Government would decide if these were acceptable .
17 The equation of knowledge with ‘ what is called Western thought , the thought whose destiny is to extend its domains while the boundaries of the West are drawn back ’ involves the very kind of assumption that Derrida is interrogating — and this is the reason for his constant emphasis on its being the knowledge of the West ; in the same way Foucault also emphasizes that he is specifically discussing the ‘ Western episteme ’ .
18 The gardens were garlanded with coloured lights , and the silver band , having refreshed its members while the marriage took place , played with gusto as the guests were all received .
19 Age Concern now wants elderly people worried about keeping warm to contact its officers or the fire brigade for advice .
20 Life inside the Service might have its limitations but the thought of life outside it terrified me .
21 The progress person should be aware when the creative team is dragging its feet or the account group is asking for the impossible .
22 The prompt action by South Pacific countries to deal with the drift-net plague provided a marked contrast to the situation in the North Pacific high seas , where the US had been dragging its heels as the Asian drift-net fleets continued to pillage the salmon , tuna , and squid resources , and kill tens of thousands of marine mammals and hundreds of thousands of sea birds , many of them in Alaskan fisheries waters .
23 The Iranian policies that frighten its neighbours and the wider world are said to include the promotion of international terrorism , attempts to obstruct peace between Israel and the Arabs and a burning ambition to acquire long-range missiles and weapons of mass destruction .
24 The recent surge in stockmarket volume and the hasty dusting-down of the houses ' new-issue departments threaten to bring quick profit back to the industry and delude its bosses that the good times are returning .
25 The nervous mood was captured by the Conservative Morning Post which reminded its readers that the modern franchise was concentrating more power into the hands of the working class .
26 The group outlined its fears that the Ulster Hospital can not cope with the growing population within the North Down and Ards areas .
27 ‘ Hip hop is rediscovering funk 's roots , it 's slowly finding its feet as the rave scene dies out .
28 A double tax charge may arise if the company sells its assets and the vendor wishes to extract the realised profit from the company .
29 As later events were to show , the Valois monarchy had its weaknesses and the successful assertion of Edward 's claim might not be beyond the bounds of possibility .
30 The sport 's governing body is hoping the cash will help its investigators and the police gain vital leads on crime in racing .
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