Example sentences of "[verb] its [noun pl] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 cracking its knuckles to pass the time .
2 From a positive standpoint , however , the view of the state as decentralizing its functions captures an important feature of reality .
3 Following a recent strategic analysis , it found its members valued the Society , but not enough potential members had even heard of BNES .
4 Meanwhile the Commission also pursued its efforts to force the return of illicit state payments to industries .
5 New Hall , Cambridge , will soon be opening its doors to reveal an extraordinary collection of contemporary women 's art .
6 As will become clearer , each State may have its own mechanisms enabling its courts to authorise the service of process or the taking of evidence outside its territorial jurisdiction ; there may also be measures of compulsion available against persons within the jurisdiction which enable the court effectively to secure evidence or information even though the primary sources of information are abroad .
7 The Independent Broadcasting Authority is an example of a licensing body which has on occasion used its powers to stop the broadcasting of items of borderline legality .
8 Instead , they recognised the value of superior workmanship and used its products to honour the gods who were intermediaries between man and the infinite power of the universe .
9 The Iraqi government on Sept. 1 reinforced its orders directing the air force to keep away from the air exclusion zone enforced by the Western allies south of the 32nd parallel [ see p. 39069 ] , and instructed ground forces not to fire at Western aircraft .
10 Once inside , the new detective will quickly meld into the department 's style , pursuing its rituals to form a new link in the tradition of the CID .
11 It encourages its employees to do the same on an individual basis .
12 At the meeting the SOC finally ceased its efforts to amend the UN draft plan so that it made explicit mention of " genocide " , in reference to the appalling human rights record of the Khmer Rouge government of the late 1970s .
13 Christ 's Hospital had been founded in 1553 for the ‘ orphaned , aged and sick poor ’ , but by the time of Coleridge 's arrival it had long outgrown its origins to become the foremost of England 's charity schools .
14 The woodpecker finch can even modify its tools to suit the situation ; cactus spines may be cut down until they are the correct length , and twigs may have their side branches nipped off .
15 He said that there had been unprecedented civilian involvement in the coup attempt and that the government did not want its opponents to exploit the situation through the media .
16 The government had on Dec. 2 announced its plans to restructure the coal industry .
17 Nor is doling out rewards in tiny instalments the only restriction that a plant may impose in order to compel its pollen-carriers to provide the service it requires .
18 Sound Diffusion ordinary shares were suspended in December at 22p and the group asked its bankers to appoint a receiver .
19 As it was doubtful of its customer 's financial position , Hedley Byrne asked its bankers to obtain a report on the customer 's affairs .
20 AFTER a pre-tax loss rising last year from £4.7 million to £41.1 million , Clyde Petroleum yesterday asked its shareholders to provide a further £34.1 million through a one-for-four rights issue .
21 Now rival company Wirral Peninsular Care Limited says its proposals to create a training and conference centre at Hillbark would meet the council 's planning brief for the site , and satisfy local conservation groups .
22 The firm says its buildings cost no more than modern steel frame houses .
23 On 23 March 1934 , members of the Communist League informed the ILP that the International Communist League had disbanded its British section and advised its members to join the Independent Labour Party .
24 Pearl advised its shareholders to take no action .
25 Belgium advised its nationals to leave the country without delay , but refused Mobutu 's demand that it withdraw its troops immediately .
26 We recognise the anomalies and obstacles with which CCW has had to contend , and support its efforts to weld an effective and influential organisation out of the raw materials at its disposal .
27 This process , begun in 1946 with the acclaim for Great Expectations , reached its peak with the 1974 publication of Masterworks of the British Cinema , a book that included the script of Brief Encounter but zealously forbade its readers to praise the man who wrote it : ‘ Brief Encounter , indeed , constitutes almost a declaration of independence on Lean 's part from his fruitful but by 1945 no doubt increasingly constricting association with Coward 's writing . ’
28 These dark red molecules do not absorb far-red light , however , and the piranha 's far-red shifted vision allows its eyes to pierce the gloom .
29 The European Resuscitation Council agrees with the American Heart Association , and the First Aid Manual has adopted its guidelines to present an internationally approved approach .
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