Example sentences of "[verb] its [noun] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 It is recorded somewhat ruefully that , after years of struggle , when the Veterinarian had won its fight to get the course lengthened , students who had previously been apprenticed for three or four years to a practitioner claimed they at least ought to be able to leave the College after 12 months , and not have to stay the same period — two years — as the non-apprenticed .
2 No-one can doubt its power to evoke the imagination of millions upon millions of people through the ages and today .
3 The United States , following a major review of its strategic stance in the region in the second half of 1989 , maintained its refusal to sign the protocols to the 1985 Treaty of Rarotonga , which made the Pacific a nuclear-free zone [ see p. 33855 ] , despite the improvement in its relations with the Soviet Union .
4 The NSPCC , an independent body incorporated by royal charter , claimed ‘ public interest immunity ’ as justifying its refusal to disclose the identity of its informants .
5 Britain is not in debt to the IMF , so the advice is entirely optional , but there are unpleasant echoes of the mid-1970s when Denis Healey had to borrow from the IMF to support the pound and was publicly forced to accept its advice to control the money supply and raise interest rates .
6 The coalition had to agree in principle to the report , announcing its determination to implement the report 's assumption that mass unemployment must be prevented .
7 If the operation is successful , LIFESPAN will automatically update its workload to include the modules in the package which are not currently offline .
8 As we have seen with the Oedipus myth , the final move in revealing its meaning informs the anthropologist about features of the culture that are beyond the content of the myth .
9 cracking its knuckles to pass the time .
10 Following a recent strategic analysis , it found its members valued the Society , but not enough potential members had even heard of BNES .
11 Meanwhile the Commission also pursued its efforts to force the return of illicit state payments to industries .
12 B'nai B'rith Women , legally incorporated as a separate entity in 1962 , also faces legal action challenging its right to use the B'nai B'rith name .
13 B'nai B'rith Women , legally incorporated as a separate entity in 1962 , also faces legal action challenging its right to use the B'nai B'rith name .
14 At a congress in Linz on June 14-15 the SPÖ changed its name to become the Social Democratic Party of Austria ( Sozialdemokratische Partei Österreichs — SPÖ ) rather than the Socialist Party of Austria .
15 On May 13th , after days of heavy selling by the markets — and heavy buying by Spain 's central bank — the government suspended its obligation to defend the peseta , and asked for another realignment of the system .
16 In any case it soon demonstrated its reluctance to accept the discipline of the Unified National Leadership of the Uprising , by organizing a major strike on the twentieth anniversary of the arson attack on the al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem on 21 August .
17 As will become clearer , each State may have its own mechanisms enabling its courts to authorise the service of process or the taking of evidence outside its territorial jurisdiction ; there may also be measures of compulsion available against persons within the jurisdiction which enable the court effectively to secure evidence or information even though the primary sources of information are abroad .
18 This tactic of disarming a discourse by inverting it and tacitly denying its claim to tell the truth is implicitly linked to the feminine mythology that the novel elaborates thematically .
19 Norwegian goldmining company Ecuanor has cancelled its application to regain the mining concession it held in Ecuador 's Podocarpus National Park .
20 The Independent Broadcasting Authority is an example of a licensing body which has on occasion used its powers to stop the broadcasting of items of borderline legality .
21 Instead , they recognised the value of superior workmanship and used its products to honour the gods who were intermediaries between man and the infinite power of the universe .
22 In the light of these beliefs , he concluded ( 1970 p 117 ) that Bentham 's Panopticon far from being progressive could justly be characterised as regressive " since he used its design to vaunt the merits of security over those of liberty .
23 The Iraqi government on Sept. 1 reinforced its orders directing the air force to keep away from the air exclusion zone enforced by the Western allies south of the 32nd parallel [ see p. 39069 ] , and instructed ground forces not to fire at Western aircraft .
24 In fact , experience so far suggests that MDC 's approach to urban regeneration has been less cavalier than LDDC 's , reflecting its concern to minimise the social costs of development to its residents and to avoid projects likely to prejudice other areas of the city .
25 It encourages its employees to do the same on an individual basis .
26 The New Statesman insisted in a statement that the article was not defamatory and said yesterday 's settlement would not affect its determination to fight the libel actions brought by Mr Major and Ms Latimer .
27 However , these antihistamines did not block all the actions of histamine , and , in particular , they did not affect its ability to stimulate the stomach to secrete acid .
28 At the meeting the SOC finally ceased its efforts to amend the UN draft plan so that it made explicit mention of " genocide " , in reference to the appalling human rights record of the Khmer Rouge government of the late 1970s .
29 BSDI made its motion on the basis of legal procedure claiming USL would first have to charge it with trade secret and copyright infringement , a charge USL subsequently made when it expanded its suit to include the University of California at Berkeley ( UX No 396 ) .
30 Christ 's Hospital had been founded in 1553 for the ‘ orphaned , aged and sick poor ’ , but by the time of Coleridge 's arrival it had long outgrown its origins to become the foremost of England 's charity schools .
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