Example sentences of "[verb] take [noun sg] at [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Although a good deal of excavation has taken place at Alcester , especially in the south-western suburb around Birch Abbey , very little has received full publication.6 Excavations in the fortified area of the town have always been difficult owing to the presence of modern buildings , but with new developments taking place , they have at last become feasible ; even now , though , the line of the defences is still imperfectly known .
2 On their way to a match against Great Lever , it was said that four members of the Accrington team became so ‘ liquored up ’ when they stopped to take refreshment at Blackburn that they missed their train .
3 The Revenue wished to consider whether adjustments needed to be made by virtue of s 485 , TA 1970 , whereby transactions carried out between buyers and sellers under common control are deemed to take place at market value .
4 The second crop was of underwood and coppice , with felling taking place at intervals of seven years or so .
5 The first pilot residential course has been planned for the twenty first of February , and it 's going to take place at C O D at Donnington , and subject to that course working out successfully , erm , the employment service in the army will be working on this , the employment service department asked to deliver the army to post six more courses erm , next year .
6 The penultimate leg of the Nunn Shield series for members of both Long Melford and Sudbury is scheduled to take place at Alton Water Reservoir on Sunday .
7 The sold-out concert was scheduled to take place at Seattle 's 15,000 capacity Coliseum , however , Nirvana are believed to have pulled out because Kurt Cobain was furious over an interview which appeared in Vanity Fair magazine which revealed that he and his wife Courtney Love had indulged in a drug ‘ binge ’ while Courtney was pregnant ( see last week 's NME ) .
8 I started taking smack at school , 'cos everyone in the — estate at that time was taking it and that was the only place you could buy pot and I sent one of me mates out from school one day to buy some speed and he come back with smack and said this is all I could get and I said I do n't want none of that , but in the end we ended up doing it because we was bored and we had nothing else to do .
9 The impressive and mould-breaking TOP activities starting to take shape at Hunterston .
10 Close though her friendship with Gary had become she had never once breathed a word to him about the new collections she saw taking shape at Mattli — and as for ‘ pillow talk ’ the notion was absurd .
11 Can anyone suggest a possible mechanism for the reaction that appears to have taken place at room temperature and in an aqueous medium ?
12 It was to have taken place at Fenn Farm in Wavendon near Milton Keynes next weekend .
13 I realised that until recently I had thought very little , had taken life at face value , as though , until I was born , nothing on the earth had moved .
14 Within half and hour , Curtis learned his man had been driven off in a green Cadillac by the unfortunate owner of the car , whom he had taken hostage at gun point .
15 After the military disasters of 1192 , the Christian soldiers and crusader knights had taken refuge at Beaufort under Renaud , Prince of Sayette , and shut themselves up inside the fortress as the armies of Saladin arrived to lay siege to them .
16 The snatch had taken place at Greenwich Village 's Café à Go Go and it was Wilcock and fellow Voice journalist Nat Hentoff who provided the backbone of the ‘ Emergency Committee Against the Harassment of Lennie Bruce ’ .
17 This had taken place at Cul Dreimne , now in County Sligo .
18 In the meantime , a further development had taken place at Derek 's home .
19 In other words these legal rules simply reflect the agreement the parties would have reached if bargaining on these questions had taken place at arm 's length .
20 Ten years earlier , on 19 May 1364 , the coronation of Charles V had taken place at Reims cathedral .
21 In a day of comings and goings at the County Ground , Glenn Hoddle left to take charge at Chelsea .
22 Yeah , I 've got a question , the meeting of the various District Councils and the County Council is it going to take place before or after the redundancies have taken place at Hatfield ?
23 So many men volunteered to take redundancy at Broughton that the average age of staff in the department plummeted and five vacancies arose .
24 Deliveries of goods would be required to take place at night , despite protests from workers and those bothered by the noise .
25 Lucy refused to take offence at Doreen 's last remark .
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