Example sentences of "[verb] up for the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I am particularly excited about the opportunities that it will provide for opening up for the first time higher educational facilities in the area .
2 Now he 'd lost that sense of fitting the rubrics which his kin and his province drew up for the proper conduct of a man like himself .
3 ‘ Piece of cake , ’ Nails agreed as they lined up for the first time on the pool edge .
4 Maloney said : ‘ If we have to fight Tucker we will , but I 've got Alex Stewart lined up for the first defence . ’
5 He had post-graduate study in Canada lined up for the following year and was looking for short-term employment .
6 I lined up for the 100 metres at the AAA Championships and , lo and behold , everybody came out in similar outfits !
7 Macho Jose lined up for the same run at Leganes yesterday — and was wounded by another horn .
8 THE Royal Mail is gearing up for the General Election .
10 Buckinghamshire speedway ace Simon Wigg is gearing up for the new season with a new club … he 's signed up for Coventr
11 Maginnis , and by implication the Official Unionists , were weak and failed to stand up for the common man .
12 Used to come up for the odd break .
13 Current members seem satisfied that they are receiving good value for money , and are signing up for the second membership year which starts in May .
14 Customers signing up for the Electronic Interchange With Standard Edifact , EIWSE , service will receive their electronic phone billing into either the electronic mailbox or , if they have X400 service , directly into their computers , Raes said .
15 We had booked up for the ordinary ship and , and rail you know , to go over by ship and rail but er during the months awaiting the , I think we were going in July and er we had booked up maybe about April , but they had put these planes on and Polytechnic wrote to us and said , if we paid two pounds ten extra , we could go by air and we did it and the full tour for a week in Paris , going by air , was twelve pounds ten .
16 I thought I 'd wait up for the early morning newscast on the radio . ’
17 The build up for the old firm game with Rangers went on for weeks .
18 ‘ I warm up for the down strokes by doing fast alternate picking … ’
19 But it is not a model that holds up for the twentieth century , when liberalization of the divorce law was not a matter of last resort but was rather always proposed as a means of strengthening the institution of marriage ( by permitting those ‘ living in sin ’ to remarry ) ; when opinion shifted with dramatic speed , for example between the conservative recommendations of the 1956 Royal Commission on Divorce and the endorsement of profound liberalization given a mere ten years later by both the Law Commission and the Church of England ; and when the change in views of key institutions such as the Church of England were as important as those of lawyers .
20 Accurate pictures could now be built up for the first time as to how tigers spent their day , how often they killed , their associations with other tigers and how the young animals found and established their own home ranges .
21 As a result of some 40 sub-projects involving all the Member States ( and often several groups within each one ) , databases of topography , soils , water resources and quality , biotopes , atmospheric emissions , climate , soil erosion and administrative boundaries have been built up for the whole Community and can be interrelated ; other data sets ( such as land cover , derived from satellite imagery ) have already been compiled for some of the Member States .
22 Most of them apparently turned up for the first Sunday game at the picturesque University ground .
23 He has not turned up for the past two meetings of the Supreme National Council , which he chairs and which is supposed to govern Cambodia , in conjunction with the UN , in the period up to the election .
24 But these two were n't dressing up for the great outdoors .
25 Instead , The Charlatans are using the States to ‘ warm up for the British tour ’ and to break in new songs such as ‘ Rainbow Kisser ’ and another one about ‘ people making other people into gods ’ ( Work that one out folks ! ) .
26 Instead , The Charlatans are using the States to ‘ warm up for the British tour ’ and to break in new songs such as ‘ Rainbow Kisser ’ and another one about ‘ people making other people into gods ’ ( Work that one out folks ! ) .
27 FIFTEEN days cricket loom up for the Irish team in the coming summer .
28 He made his Palace debut on Boxing Day , teaming up for the first time with Dickie Dowsett and Ronnie Allen , and helped the Palace romp to a thrilling 3–0 victory over Millwall on a freezing surface .
29 An elderly English lady , with a tendency to pre-war propriety , who told me on the Friday that she was afraid it would all be ‘ another load of pretentious American rubbish ’ , said on Sunday that she had learned to open up for the first time in her life .
30 In fact , these advisory councils neither have the strength conferred by expert knowledge , nor the experience of full-time work in the field , nor the responsibility conferred by direct election , but they cover up for the assumed need for some outside , popular supervision of these administrative agencies .
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