Example sentences of "[verb] up the [noun] 's " in BNC.

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1 Clearly , the £250,000 reputably spent each year on shoring up the LTA 's publishing ego trip could be much better spend elsewhere .
2 On the other , he could have devoted his energies to shoring up the regime 's prestige , authority and ability to maintain order .
3 Opposition parties of both the left and the right accused the government of surrendering to the dictates of the World Bank and the IMF , but on March 9 the Lok Sabha ( lower house of parliament ) approved by a simple voice vote the government 's sweeping economic reforms , as detailed in the budget , which aimed at opening up the country 's protected economy .
4 For Trusty Dusty Hare read Long John Liley , a rapidly emerging full-back who has let his boots do the talking whilst notching up the season 's fastest century .
5 He said that he liked to square up the week 's work . ’
6 No one can dispute that Sinead 's behaviour of late — particularly tearing up the Pope 's picture — has been outrageous but many feel that her protest statements are at least based on strong personal beliefs .
7 Surely tearing up the Pope 's picture was meant as a symbolic gesture , not a personal affront .
8 Wiring up the fielder 's l.e.d.s is a bit fiddly because these have to be hard wired and it is necessary to provide some sort of anchorage at each of the indicator positions .
9 The camera moved up the woman 's body to her eyes , searching , searching .
10 Increased erosion will accelerate the process of silting up the region 's hydro-electric dams .
11 The same place she 'd gone after driving up the Dersingham 's drive on Saturday morning ?
12 Neff built up the firm 's business in the USA not by dint of one overwhelming individual personality , as Roche had done for Heidrick and Struggles , but by exemplifying the success of the Spencer Stuart method of problem-solving in management crises across a range of corporate sectors .
13 He also built up the island 's banana trade .
14 He also built up the railway 's fleet of passenger and cargo ships sailing to Ireland and the Continent from Goole , Fleetwood , and Liverpool ; by 1914 it was the largest of any of the British railway companies .
15 I took a trip into Albany an ’ looked up the architect 's plans of the house an' its estate .
16 ‘ The African guide was nowhere to be seen so Slash picked up the guy 's rifle and began firing into the air , trying desperately to scare the elephants away , ’ said another friend of the star .
17 Minutes later , Deputy Sheriff Cal Fenton found himself in charge of winding up the night 's operations , and responsible for getting the whole shooting match back to Rockford .
18 Vologsky made no move to close the hood , or warm up the aircraft 's engines .
19 Early of Ely and Family ’ ( 1771 ) in which the richly clad Earl , the Countess and their two musical daughters sway elegantly in front of an idealised Greek temple set in their newly designed gardens while a small African boy dressed in a combination of Turkish and Indian costume holds up the Earl 's diadem , curiously peering round the Countess to look up at his owner .
20 He looked down now on to the plate on which lay a pig 's foot and two pieces of streaky pork ; and picking up the pig 's foot in his two hands , he gnawed at it for a moment before looking at the child again and asking her , ‘ Well , what 's your other name ? ’
21 Once Becky felt sure the ink was dry she closed the books and put them back in her satchel while Charlie prepared to lock up the baker 's shop .
22 Remarkably , they turn what had looked like a dead duck of an evening — a half-full club of uninterested Finns busy soaking up the DJ 's Toto records — into an event .
23 God , thought Madame , when she added up the night 's takings , one week I should write down who 's having who as well as who 's drinking what .
24 Clinton also announced measures to clean up the government 's own house , including a commitment that federal agencies will buy ozone-friendly products , energy-conserving computers , fuel-efficient vehicles and recycled products .
25 These changes , such as the transfer of land to co-operatives and poorer peasants , the literacy campaign and the present drive to clean up the country 's water sources , all demonstrate a thrust of government policy very different from the regime which ended in 1979 .
26 The Construction Ministry estimates that $5.3 billion will be needed over the next five years just to clean up the country 's water supply .
27 Craig was shot dead in 1988 in an East Belfast pub on the orders of a new hardline leadership out to clean up the gang 's image .
28 He had described as " a fraud " the recent attempts under KGB chairman Gen. Vladimir Kryuchkov to clean up the KGB 's public image and stress its role in fighting genuine crime .
29 He has , for instance , been more open than his predecessors about the tens of billions of dollars that will have to be spent to clean up the department 's shambolic nuclear-weapons plants .
30 Mr Welch geared up the company 's locomotive-manufacturing business for a much-ballyhooed revival in American railways that never happened .
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