Example sentences of "[verb] your [noun pl] into [art] " in BNC.

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1 Place your fingers into the water running from our new single lever Domi tap and experience first-hand what the expression ‘ more thought in the bathroom ’ means .
2 I do n't wish to take up too much of Your Lordships time , but could I without er er driving your Lordships into the dee into very deep sleep erm er a quote to you one passage from page six hundred and seventy-five .
3 You stick a Frownie on the parts of the face you are most likely to screw up in pain — the forehead , the outer end of the cheekbones — so that when your face starts to contract , you will realise it is happening , and relax your features into a seraphic , line-free mask .
4 And if you change your mind after having taken a personal pension , you can switch back into SERPS ; or , if the scheme rules allow it , you can transfer your payments into a company contracted-out scheme .
5 When changing direction , one method is to put your feet into a V position facing uphill , using the axe as a safeguard while doing this ( Fig 5 ) .
6 You stand on the flat tray which they call a seat , take the weight on your arms on the sides of the cockpit and lower your feet into the nose cone .
7 Move your hands gently away and dip your fingers into the oil .
8 Dip your fingers into the paste and run it around the rim of the dish and put on the lid .
9 You should take your books into the fresh air . ’
10 ‘ It sends your enemies into the deepest of sleeps .
11 Right , nought , point , nine , five , so now you can see how easily you can change your minutes into a decimal at any time , right , now , let's look at some of these , this is four hours and thirty
12 We can get your lists into the braille press and the workshops , I mean
13 Putting your feet into a pair of ski boots for the first time can be alarming .
14 If you can type using a word processor ( or know someone who can ! ) you will have no difficulty in putting your texts into the software .
15 Could you kill yourself by putting your fingers into the electric socket ?
16 This gives you better control — and it stops you having to keep putting your hands into the tank .
17 But remember to unplug all the tank 's electrical equipment before putting your hands into the water .
18 As one textbook advises : " It is necessary to translate your ideas into the language of variables before you can carry out or evaluate research .
19 Load it up , arrange your features into a smirk and invite the nearest Mac user to come and have a butcher 's .
20 Instead , simply slip off your shoes and slide your feet into the slippers .
21 A year , a month , and a day on from our first meeting , the 18–30 group is holding a welcome event for all those who would like to come and meet us and find out more about the group , and maybe throw your ideas into the pool .
22 There was something very appealing about going through the papers with a pair of scissors in your hand and then sticking your clippings into a book . ’
23 This not only helps to channel your efforts into the most effective areas , but also ensures that everyone who comes into contact with the media knows what their organisation is trying to achieve .
24 " A little bit of wide-eyed innocence is good for lulling your opponents into a false sense of security .
25 Second , you should try and incorporate your questions into the interview as it goes along and not leave them all to the end .
26 When the pierced silver colander on three legs was full you could dig your hands into the beans and trickle their cool slipperiness between your fingers .
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