Example sentences of "[verb] your [noun] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Please send your gift in the envelope provided .
2 Place your question in the centre of the model and work outwards from the parts to the further questions .
3 Egg and spoon race — place your egg in a dessertspoon and see how far you can run without dropping the egg .
4 ‘ Moma Parsheen , ’ he whispered , ‘ place your tracer in the man that sends this illusion .
5 You want your health in the summer .
6 On Villa-Flotilla you have a chance to meet your companions in the first week .
7 We can help you devise the scheme you need to meet your needs in the most cost-effective way , to reward your employees without overstraining your cashflow or profits , and our specialists will come and explain everything to your employees .
8 We will , however , tailor our services to meet your needs in the light of the offer you have received from [ ABC ] and the potential offer from [ DEF ] .
9 How would you describe your position in the world ?
10 How have you been justifying your existence in the last twenty-four hours and can you name the guilty man ? ’
11 If you 've been to a puppy party you 'll know how much fun it can be to train your pup in a positive and natural way .
12 Site your pond in an open , sunny place that is well away from trees .
13 Perhaps you know them over the garden wall to speak to you , you might even know their children by name and you know their christian name , but beyond that I think it 's true to say , even making allowance of generation gaps that you do n't know your neighbours in the same way that you knew your neighbours in London .
14 One month 's notice is required for any withdrawals , but should you need your money in a hurry you can of course , withdraw it at any time .
15 It is also particularly difficult to discover your place in a speech after you have been looking up at the audience .
16 Even so , dismissal should never come as a bolt from the blue , however exalted your place in the corporate hierarchy .
17 Instead , from as low as 1000rpm you can bury your foot in the firewall and watch the front of the car gobble up ever larger amounts of tarmac .
18 If you ca n't afford to repay debts on time , do n't bury your head in the sand .
19 Do n't 1 Do n't bury your head in the script .
20 Surely it is hard to find your way in the dark ? ’
21 The search facility has the practical value of making it quicker and simpler to find your place in the recording .
22 ‘ I 'm sure you 've stripped willingly enough for the men who have enjoyed your favours in the past . ’
23 Francis Bacon who put money into an unsuccessful company to colonize Newfoundland wrote in his essay On Plantations ( the word used then and for most of the seventeenth century for what would later be called colonies ) ‘ You must make account to lose almost twenty years profit , and expect your recompense in the end . ’
24 Her sun was the biggest poacher — he was a devil : he 'd rob your house in the middle of the day and let you see him !
25 If so , you 'll have probably booked your place in a hall of residence , your grant will arrive on the first day of term , you 'll be ready to enjoy Freshers ' Fair and soon settle down to studies in the library .
26 But direct observation does give you the colours and you do become more accurate , even though sunlight and shadows move so fast during the time it takes to paint such a scene that the particular arrangement that caught your eye in the first place has long since gone by the time the picture is finished !
27 warm your hand in an armpit ( preferably yours )
28 But I 've but I 've got write to your na , but I 've got to write your name in the book .
29 You 're supposed to write your name in the margin .
30 Be warned , however , that there are two practical problems that might arise if you attempt to adjust your habits in the ways suggested .
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