Example sentences of "[verb] more [adv] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We must now consider more closely the pope 's relationship with the law and where Innocent stands in its development .
2 The style was Gothic and followed ‘ the best traditions of mediaeval church architecture , but to meet more advantageously the requirements of Protestant worship the nave is kept broader and shorter ’ .
3 Nothing could demonstrate more elegantly the fascination there is in studying animals today .
4 No one described more graphically the appearance or recorded more faithfully the looks and the talk of the royal personages and major politicians of the time .
5 In chapter 3 I shall discuss more fully the question of how far these demographic structures do affect the nature of family obligations , at any given point in historical time , considering in particular how far demographic factors in the late twentieth century have given a particular shape to kin groups .
6 Our priority has been the improvement of BP 's performance by setting clearer business targets , aligning more closely the reward and recognition of individuals ’ and teams ’ contributions with performance , and encouraging greater teamwork .
7 The implications of what we are presented with are left more dramatically open , challenging more directly the containment implied by the morality tradition .
8 Clearly , to contextualise ideological responses historically is not to neutralise the ideological responses themselves , but it is to take a significant step towards understanding more fully the issues involved .
9 Nothing illustrates more dramatically the extent to which Nizan 's work fired the imagination than the spectacle of Sartre himself publicly criticising traditional " institutionalised " intellectuals for their lack of imagination , publicly insulting Raymond Aron for his failure to take note of the significance of the May events , and extolling by implication Nizan the youthful iconoclast , an exemplary dissident intellectual in tune with the spirit of the times .
10 It was intended to represent the concept of a tram in 2937 , but its unfortunate shape resembled more closely a cottage-loaf , by which it became known to the crews .
11 The main aims will be to : ( a ) identify particular commercial/legal problems of such magnitude as to cause the investor to withdraw or adjust its terms , including the price , either directly or indirectly through indemnities ; ( b ) flush out any unknown or understated liabilities and ensure the vendor will deliver good title ( free from encumbrances ) to the assets ; ( c ) ascertain more precisely the worth of the target business to the buyer and to provide an effective means of valuing the shares or the assets ; and ( d ) provide a clear understanding of how the business functions , including the operation of its financial and management systems .
12 Although the latter cases are probably a diminishing minority , especially now that budgetary delegation under LMS has made it essential that heads in their turn delegate a greater proportion of their managerial functions to senior staff , our studies indicate a more general need for primary schools to continue to review the role of deputy headship , to define more exactly the range of tasks it is appropriate for someone at that level of seniority to undertake , and to ensure that all deputy heads have appropriate job specifications .
13 In my view , the value of research is that it can help teachers to define more clearly the problems that they themselves must solve .
14 The major inhibiting factor , referred to elsewhere in this text , is the lack of political will to reform the general framework of financial management , and to define more clearly the scope of programme objectives .
15 On the other side , however , we need to consider how such ideas in turn affect political life ; how the analyses and interpretations provided by political scientists enter into the struggles between different interest groups , and either help to define more clearly the nature of the conflicting interests or claim to discover ways of reconciling them .
16 To define more precisely the interaction between HT-29 cells and extracellular matrix components , we tested the effect of added antibodies against different integrin chains .
17 Measurement of gastric mucosal leukotrienes in humans after acute dosing with indomethacin and other NSAIDs and investigation of the effects of other inhibitors of 5 lipoxygenase will be necessary to define more precisely the role of leukotrienes in mucosal injury related to NSAIDs .
18 One of the effects of the Contagious Diseases Acts was to define more sharply the categories of acceptable social and sexual behaviour .
19 A multicentred audit under the auspices of the British Society of Gastroenterology has now started that should show more clearly the role of barium enema in the investigation of anaemia .
20 The comments of officials and newspaper correspondents are consistent with the conclusions drawn from the statistics , and show more precisely the areas where cattle stealing prevailed .
21 Canada 's hospitals say the national health system must be radically reformed to restrict more severely the core list of essential services covered by Medicare .
22 Now if we consult this record , and remember the success , in giving it its modern form , of a gallery of reformers of roughly utilitarian hue from Tom Paine , Bentham , J.S. Mill , and Tolstoy , to Bernard Shaw , Sidney and Beatrice Webb , and Evelyn Strachey , we might wonder why its provisions for animals do not embody more closely the ideals of that theory .
23 It is worth noting that such important modern choreographers as Kurt Jooss and Martha Graham and the leader of the Dance Theatre of Harlem , George Mitchell , insisted that their dancershave knowledge of some school of classical technique , to which they added other exercises to develop the flexibility of their dancers ' bodies , athletic qualities and an ability to explore more thoroughly the space around them in all its dimensions .
24 Examples of assessment tasks accompanying the criterion statements may help to pinpoint more precisely the domain referred to in a criterion statement .
25 In order to evaluate more critically the proposals for budget and management reform outlined in chapters 4 and 7 , it is important to remember that accounting information is very much a product of the public sector infrastructure .
26 These difficulties , it is argued , although in part the result of the marginalization of the arts in British education at national level , are also caused by the failure of arts educators to come to terms with the reasonable expectations of those charged with administering INSET at local level and thereby exploit more effectively the support for the arts of those charged with administering education .
27 WWF says the change was made ‘ to reflect more accurately the conservation work it does ’ .
28 He also suggested that he would seek to change school textbooks in order to reflect more accurately the brutality and aggression displayed by the Japanese military before 1945 .
29 The political education of the African , qua African , was his first concern , and in his hands Indirect Rule became more genuinely the instrument of regeneration it was supposed to be .
30 In medieval Christianity they became more specifically a symbol of purity , not just because of their gentle lustre , but still more because they were grown secretly and , it was believed , with personal suffering by the oyster . )
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