Example sentences of "[verb] more [adj] every [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Computers are becoming more popular every day and because they are so useful , it is important that you learn something about them .
2 There are special forms of tax relief for charitable giving and these are being made more attractive every year .
3 Techniques of interrogation and espionage improved and became more sophisticated every day — yet still the old methods remained as effective as they ever had .
4 Tartan is getting more popular every year , ’ says the lady from Norma Stewart 's bridalwear .
5 Bala is a big tourist attraction in the summer season — indeed , almost all the year round , mainly because of its lake , which is the largest stretch of natural water in the principality and ideal for many water sports new and old which become more popular every year .
6 She had to walk all the way to Clerkenwell with a canvas bag containing all her belongings , and her feet dragged as she grew more reluctant every minute to face the destitution she thought she had left behind for ever .
7 She had had enough shocks for one day , and her nerves threatened to become more raw every time she looked into those familiar dark brown eyes .
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