Example sentences of "[verb] come [adv prt] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 and go out and that , if you want to come down for a couple of days .
2 There are a few of us ( 3 at mo — myself , a mate and Steve Walsh ) who want to come down for the Oxford match from Durham/Newcastle .
3 Want to come in for a minute ? "
4 Nevertheless , Sun has come in for no small amount of criticism in pursuing what is often strictly an ‘ invented here ’ approach to technology solutions , at the expense of making some pragmatic marketing decisions .
5 Understandably , this presumption has come in for a great deal of criticism .
6 However , the Green Paper has come in for a variety of criticisms and there is little evidence that its recommendations will be acted upon in the short- or medium-term .
7 JACQUES Delors has come in for a lot of flak for the collapse of the Gatt world trade talks .
8 The prince has come in for a lot of criticism from the UN and the West for spending most of the past few months in China .
9 While it has come in for a certain amount of criticism , it has also attracted much praise , especially from industry .
10 Since the disease is heterosexually transmitted in Africa , the group which has come in for the most blame for its rapid spread have been the many poor women who have been supporting themselves in Nairobi through commercial sex .
11 Pam has come down for a day of shopping , bringing along our adopted younger sister Kath .
12 Ring her up , see if she wants to come down for a drink .
13 He never wrote entirely admiring reviews : ‘ It 's the essence of a book never to be perfect , ’ he said , ‘ so its writer must expect to come in for a little criticism . ’
14 ‘ I 'm always on the lookout for players who will benefit Derry City and Ian has agreed to come over for a month initially , ’ said Coyle .
15 ‘ I 'm always on the lookout for players who will benefit Derry City and Ian has agreed to come over for a month initially , ’ said Coyle .
16 Hello er , I 'm phoning on behalf of Mrs Ada er she 's got to come in for a scan on the fourth of February , nine o'clock , now we 've only just got back from the hospital today , cos she oh , she had to go today for one , yeah , and we 've just
17 Would you like to come round for a cup of tea ? ’
18 She said politely , ‘ Would you like to come in for a last drink ? ’
19 ‘ Would you like to come in for a … cup of coffee or something ? ’
20 Not because she could n't lose weight but because she enjoyed coming along for a weekly work-out session and it helped to keep her weight in check .
21 She hoped that he would n't suggest coming up for a coffee ; she did n't think she could rise to a social occasion at this particular moment , so she was thankful to accept her car keys , bid him a hurried , ‘ Safe journey , ’ and close the door again .
22 Rubie 's Choice appeared to blow up at Marks Tey and should have come on for the race , while Zoe Turner , on her home track , can choose between As You Were and Royal Sting .
23 Quick Reaction finished well clear of Bigsun at High Easter , but the latter will have come on for the race , while Shimshek bypassed Ascot on Wednesday and must have every chance here .
24 They are cared for by the shepherds , who would once have come up for the summer along with the animals , and slept in their traditional , bleak little cabins ; nowadays , they are for the most part motorized and can commute genteelly to the livestock from their homes below .
25 She sat at the table and painstakingly wrote down the sums of money that should have come in for the work already done .
26 His widow said yesterday : ‘ Money started coming in for a Denholm Elliott Project without me appealing for it and we already have several thousand pounds from British donations as well as £5,000 from Ibiza , where we lived .
27 Some of my colleagues would gladly drive blindfold into a brick wall for this band , and while this collection hardly brings out the suicidal in me , I might be tempted to start coming along for the ride .
28 She offered to come down for the weekend to help , and Carolyn wanted her badly enough to hesitate before putting her off .
29 We were in Glasgow last weekend , and were quite chuffed when Ewan consented to come out for a walk just with us two , as he clings to Joyce a bit at the moment .
30 Take that form literally and there is only one winner on Saturday as Bonanza Boy is bound to have come on for the outing .
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