Example sentences of "[verb] my [noun] with [art] " in BNC.

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1 Certainly , when you realized my connection with the case at Bloomwater , they were the bully-boys you turned on to me .
2 ‘ I can tell you , ’ said Bobbie , as Juliet recorded her findings , ‘ I shall treat my legs with a lot more respect after this ! ’
3 I liked helping my father with the sheep .
4 I am helping my Pa with the outdoor work , as is right and proper .
5 ‘ I am surrounded by selfish bastards I thought were my friends , ’ I say , slapping my forehead with the hand holding the J and almost setting my hair alight .
6 To the right was the outline of the dovecot where , as a child , standing in the doorway with my back to the sunlight , I fought my shadow with a wooden sword .
7 I wiped my face with a handkerchief and thought about Barbara Porter .
8 I have wept copiously and shared my feelings with a woman , that is , my intended .
9 I put my hair up , belt my waist with a red suede sash from Los Angeles and pencil my lips a deep red .
10 I wanted to make certain I was leaving the jeep with Kaptan — I wanted to establish my connection with the family , give a hint of trouble I could solve ( without making it look like a threat ) , and put myself into the frame without a hint of asserting myself .
11 I felt as if someone was pressing my lungs with a steam-iron .
12 This , the final cherry on the snake-chasing cake concludes my hysteria with a warm flow of urine down my leg .
13 It obviously took a while to find my feet with the group but when I had done I really started to enjoy myself .
14 I got on my bike and went back to the house a bit recklessly , shooting through puddles on the path and taking the Jump — a bit on the path where there 's a long downhill on a dune and then a short uphill where it 's easy to leave the ground — at a good forty kilometres per hour , landing with a muddy thump that nearly had me in the whin bushes and left me with a very sore bum , making me want to keep opening my mouth with the feeling of it .
15 You deliberately fixed my mother with a glassy stare and frightened her out of her wits .
16 As an ENP I could discuss my patients with the senior medical staff only ; in practice this meant the registrars .
17 I want you to attract my attention with a full introduction to tell me .
18 I would have trusted my male with a female by themselves in a 24″ : tank , something I would never dare with the rock-dwellers !
19 Lucker holds my hand with the kind of grasp that men at sea learn as a last resort .
20 You 're walking my way with a dealer named Sport .
21 Suddenly S. entered my room with a telegram in his hand saying : ‘ It has come .
22 I glanced at her , trying to hide my embarrassment with a swift and flippant response , but I could think of nothing to say and so I looked back at the binnacle , then up to the long moon-burnished sea ahead .
23 And then there 's this technician or something here and they ask me to breathe in helium from a mask and make me repeat some of the things gorilla man said on the video so I feel like I 'm becoming him they 're trying to make me him ; I do n't think I sound the same as the guy on the brain-snuff video but fuck knows what they think there are too many to know what the fuck they think ; loads of them , officers from all over the fucking place with different accents , London , Midlands , Welsh , Scottish , elsewhere , God knows , it 's not just Flavell and McDunn though I still see them now and again especially McDunn who looks at me kind of weird most of the time like he ca n't really believe it was me did all these things and I get this bizarre feeling that he thinks I 'm kind of pathetic I mean that in a grudging , still-determined-to-bust-the-fucker way he actually has more respect for gorilla man than he does for me because I 've just gone to pieces under the questions and the things they put in my head with those photographs and that video ( ha which means gorilla man has already put stuff into my head , already has fucked my brains , filling my head with the idea of that , the vision , the meme of that ) and I thought I was some tough cookie but I was wrong I 'm just a dunked digestive baby I 'm soft I 'm flopping I 'm disintegrating and that 's why unless I 'm the best fucking actor he 's ever seen McDunn ca n't accept I was capable of the things gorilla man did , yet so much of the evidence , especially the dates and times that sort of stuff , points at me not to mention that piece of TV-crit I did that reads like a hit-list now .
24 I told my story with the help of Joy and Alan , who arrived for coffee and contributed greatly with their humanity , humour and charm .
25 My mother-in-law , remembering that it was a while since she had tended it , told my son with an expansive wave of her hand to ‘ go and pile logs on ’ .
26 I compared my yardages with a wheel once , and we were no more than two paces out for the whole course .
27 But can I really improve my relationship with the earth by going shopping ?
28 The Second Son did indeed meet me as always , but this time I stayed once again in his bedroom in his father 's Abu Dhabi villa , and this time I ate my meals with the Sheikh , his men and his two eldest sons .
29 Wind rattled and swayed the trees and filled my ears with the old songs of the land , and the sun shone through the moving boughs in shimmering ever-changing patterns .
30 At this , a calm and seraphic expression fills my face with an almost spooky beauty .
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