Example sentences of "[verb] her [noun sg] on the " in BNC.

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1 He had asked Christina to attend this meeting too , saying he 'd value her opinion on the revised pool plans which Paul was bringing in .
2 ‘ At that time , ’ recalls Vivien , who was the first British player to try her hand on the American Tour , ‘ the LPGA needed all the publicity and good will it could get .
3 Eleanor Thorne jerked her head on the pillow and opened her eyes , awakening in time to hear the echo of her own voice .
4 Wincing at the stiffness in her fingers , she loosened her grip on the steering-wheel and was amazed at how much more responsive the boat felt .
5 After two months she loosened her grasp on the subject like a drowning man giving himself up to the sea .
6 She pushed into the dust , banging her head on the wooden underside .
7 She jumps up , banging her head on the partition .
8 Carol was bounced backwards into her seat and then sideways on the floor of the van , banging her head on the side in the process .
9 Unable to save herself , with a startled cry she pitched forward , tumbling down the remaining stairs and banging her head on the stone floor .
10 ‘ All right , dear ? ’ asked her mother , keeping her gaze on the television screen .
11 She promised her support on the condition that Mays and Berthon were sidelined and Rudd was given his chance .
12 there is only one exception : if a wife owns the property or has her name on the rent book or has the property because of her job , her husband is regarded as the head of household , provided that he is resident ( our italics ) .
13 Professor Costall has her finger on the purse-strings and is always mindful that new courses should generate income and be financially viable .
14 ‘ Well , ’ he said , ‘ we 'll just have to get to the house and start proving that this particular astrologer has her finger on the button , wo n't we ? ’
15 It is to the credit of such workers that they rarely feel animosity towards a member of the Royal Family who puts on a designer frock , gets into a chauffeur-driven car , spends a couple of hours meeting the afflicted and , as a result , has her picture on the front page of most national newspapers with the word caring prefacing every mention of her name .
16 She has her hand on the door , and I have my gun pointing at her chest .
17 Eleanor Thorne moved her head on the pillow .
18 Lindsey concentrated her gaze on the monitor screen she had flicked into life .
19 Ada Neumann shook her head in resignation and once again concentrated her attention on the speaker .
20 Quickly , Caroline scrawled her signature on the proffered form .
21 On one embarrassing occasion Queen Mary caught her earring on the beard of the plumber who was showing her that the lavatory cistern really worked .
22 She caught her head on the corner of the hearth .
23 The fact that a deceased 's widow would have given up work to start a family but for the deceased 's death is not a matter to be taken into account so as to increase her dependency on the deceased from the date that she would have given up work ( Malone v Rowan [ 1984 ] 3 All ER 402 ) .
24 In the parallel line of the submissive , a pretty , dark girl of about twenty was emptying her handbag on the instructions of a uniformed harridan .
25 She found her eyepatch on the ground , and slipped it on over her optic .
26 She tried to get up on all fours , and bumped her head on the underside of the bed .
27 Even when she later encountered more difficulties , she tried all sorts of positions , but never changed her grip on the hammer .
28 Almost at once , the road levelled out , and she beat her fist on the steering-wheel in frustration .
29 When the local authorities dismissed her pleas she went home and beat her baby on the ground until it was dead .
30 Among the letters published with Leapor 's second volume is one consoling her friend on the sickness of her mother [ ML , 2 , 321–324 ] .
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