Example sentences of "[verb] get [art] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 Situations vacant in particular showed a very , a very big drop and erm , and in fact we , the yield was lower than the year before , but we 've er , continued with our pac press rationalization programme and er , I think as I mentioned at the interims , the Basildon Evening Echo is now printed on the F T's presses , which incidentally has got the contract to and is printing er , .
2 the vein has got the valve to it , but only the veins in these parts , the extremities , you see , the lower abdomen and legs , arms , you do n't find those veins everywhere
3 Well I am I am I am quite sure that the person who 's actually if you appointed them treasurer has got the authority to be able to say , there was ten pounds difference , I 'm knocking it off the door and that 's it .
4 But police say getting the message to the public is only half the battle :
5 Yes it did it run down to the river and we used to have to write to get a permit to camp on there for the week but then there used to be an old , the old foreman of he used to come round every Saturday night , have you got your permit ?
6 They agreed it would be unsafe to try to get a message to London .
7 Another series of revisions involving changes in the non-metallic portions of the masks , according to TI , have to be made to get the chip to 50MHz , 55MHz and beyond .
8 ‘ We are looking to get the ball to Alan
9 Or they could 've got a plane to Paris , nobody would have stopped them .
10 I was not even going to get a lift to Thurso out of it .
11 You 're going to get an invitation to Jadey 's party .
12 Which is why we 've got to get the typescript to her by the end of January .
13 You would n't believe what I had to do to get an introduction to the sisters .
14 Mr Thomson said Mr Wilson could not have got a bus to the area where he was found , which more than a mile from a road , and he could not have walked the distance on his own .
15 The only Italian she might have got an introduction to — and though elderly he might have had a son — had dropped down dead in the Vatican Square .
16 But Cambridge keeper John Vaughan somehow stretched to get a hand to the ball on the goal-line .
17 The words tumbled over each other in her eagerness. ‘ 'T WOULD only be for a day or so while I try to get a message to the Queen .
18 He watched the screen , struggled to get the frame-hold to work , all the while keeping an eye on the scene in the operating theatre .
19 It was down to the practice ground in the gloom for Jack and myself but I managed to get a message to Sally to meet me an hour later than planned .
20 You eventually managed to get a flight to Milan , where you stayed in hiding , and then you spent some time near Lake Como ?
21 Emecheta insisted that although she was a girl she wanted an education and managed to get a scholarship to the Methodist Girls ' High School .
22 She intended to reward him with sips of his favourite ‘ pop ’ from a mug every time he managed to get the spoon to his mouth .
23 However , he always managed to get the team to wherever they wanted to go despite the problem .
24 The guy on the other end was frantic , demanding to get a message to the boss , David Cawthra .
25 He had a close look at Shearer in Saturday 's match at Blackburn , and added : ‘ He 's the sort of player that makes you want to get the ball to him as many times as possible .
26 The production cycle of a monthly magazine I once edited was over five weeks for features , news fared slightly better at two weeks , and these represent the time taken to get the magazine to the printer , not onto the newsagents shelves .
27 I aim to get a bus to Heathrow , then circle south from there along the M25 .
28 I never did get an answer to that final one .
29 ‘ The service to the frontmen was n't good enough and when we did get the ball to them , we immediately gave it away , ’ he said .
30 no , because the point is that Labour has not changed it 's course , which is recognizing that at the heart of it 's policies we have to show that we know the world has changed , and we 've got a message to women , which is that we know that you are essential in your role in the family , but we know you 're also essential in the economy ,
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