Example sentences of "[verb] get [adv] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He added : ‘ My horse has got quite a high cruising speed and , even if we stay in the middle , he is more than capable of galloping his way back into the reckoning . ’
2 But er we did n't I did n't go back , we 'd already we 'd we 'd got some land and er and we 'd set up er pig breeding and er we 'd got about a hundred and twenty strong store pigs at that time .
3 I see you 've got quite a full house here .
4 ‘ We should have got together a long time ago , when I was n't an old man . ’
5 And the other part of facial waxing is , on the chin , we tend to get quite a few growing on our chin , and upper lip .
6 But I do get quite a few people phone me as you know asking for information .
7 But all day he would n't talk to me , and I must admit , I did get quite a few looks and remarks from boys there .
8 His mate , driver Sam Webster , gave him a smile of approval and said , ‘ Good lad , young John , now put your injector on , shut it off when you 've got nearly a full ‘ glass ’ , then have a few minutes .
9 In your handout , somewhere , I 'm afraid I have n't got the pages er , cos I do n't have my handout immediately to hand , er I 've got here a short-term er programme .
10 ‘ Well , my husband says I 've got rather a good voice , ’ she responded .
11 ‘ I 've got rather a big order , ’ she said , ‘ mostly for slippers but one or two pairs of shoes I have to make in French calf . ‘
12 ‘ I 've been thinking about it all the way back from your cottage and I believe I 've got just a tiny little bit of an idea . ’
13 Goodness knows I 've got only a bare chance of catching her , though . ’
14 In this day and age , 100MB is average , and people quite often discover that they 've got only a few kilobytes of space left , and usually at the most inopportune times .
15 Over the past years , we 've got together a superb programme of trips and good times to make sure you get the chance to see the very best this island has to offer .
16 We 've got about a hundred and fifty .
17 yeah , you know quite hopeful so what I as I say what I 'm really looking for is I 've got a preference for older properties but you know try not to pin myself down to too much at the moment , I 've got about a hundred and thirty to spend so ideally I 'd like a cottage old style but I do need three bedrooms
18 So I 've never smoked them , I 've got about a hundred upstairs
19 Worked out right , but not in sort of , I 've bought some but including the rest of them I 've got about a hundred pounds spending .
20 No , in this country up until Christmas I 've got about a hundred pound include , including getting Christmas presents , from now too December the twenty-sixth .
21 They add a bit of spice … and I 've got quite a nasty temper when it 's roused .
22 ‘ I 'm going to give you a course of antibiotics , Mr Lane — you 've got quite a nasty ear infection there .
23 You may see a guy wandering in and out groups and that 's a guy called Geoff who works for the British National Corpus and these are the people who are trying to have or produce ten million words of the written word and a hundred million erm spoken words , which is a corpus whereby , er come and look at the English language at some time in the future and identify and listen to some of your and your dialects and what you said so make sure you have lots of input as we 've got quite a broad spectrum of different dialects today but he 'll be wandering in and out er throughout today .
24 I think er , having said that , I mean you 've got quite a decent coverage of attitudes and situations in here already .
25 So you 've got quite a good relationship
26 on the road er They 've got quite a good selection now .
27 you 're , you 've got quite a good backbone there but you have n't got anything that really grabs my emotions .
28 No , I think he 's , I said to Robert I 've got quite a good streak cos I 've never seen Sally
29 erm on the next er , item er we have er on item ten we 've got the welfare rights and er advice and we 've got quite a long report which I hope you 'll agree is an excellent report , er and er Sue is here to present it .
30 Now , we 've got quite a long list , colleagues , of , er , members of the European Parliament and members of Parliament who will be with us during the course of the week for for short stays er Euro European MPs first , er Linden , Cheshire West secretary of the European P L P Steven , Durham , deputy leader of the European P L P Hugh , Strathclyde West Barry , Yorkshire West and from the G M B parliamentary group , er , these MPs may only be present for short periods Nicholas , Newcastle-upon-Tyne East Doug , Newcastle-upon-Tyne North Gerald , George , Hamilton Clive Hammersmith and Giles who 's drawn the short straw , who 's going to give us an address this morning .
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