Example sentences of "[verb] so [adj] and [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Its presence in everyday life became so large and so intense , and in such a short space of time — say 20 years from the Coronation in 1953 , acknowledged as the ‘ take-off date — that its influence is strictly incalculable , over other media and over most facets of life .
2 When it was midnight they took the body of the Cid , fastened to the saddle as it was , and placed it upon his horse Bavieca , and fastened the saddle well : and the body sate so upright and well that it seemed as if he was alive .
3 Liza did not know how she got back to her billet , only that she had bicycled so fast and furiously that , as she flung herself on her bed , she thought , grimly , that if anyone had reason to miscarry at that juncture it was she herself .
4 It , it was a two bedroom old cottage it was , very , very nice with a big garden and all I had was erm one room downstairs and like er a kitchen , well er where the sink and that was it was more like a big room where the kitchen was and the two bedrooms upstairs , but only a door on one bedroom , you went up the stairs into a big open room you know where the bannisters all round you know what I mean , no door on it and just , another door , a bedroom door , that 's all but I loved it you know it was a nice erm , not bad , but of course it was condemned it got so old and then they pulled it down and they built another house on it right next to where erm that shooting took pla you know they was having that shooting night just down that lane where I used to be
5 ‘ I could n't have my hair done , and it got so thin and straggly at the back . ’
6 ‘ Their lines were formed so thick and deep , ’ observed one eyewitness in Cumberland 's army , ‘ that the grapeshot made open lanes quite through them , the men dropping down by wholesale . ’
7 Perhaps it is not surprising , because those demands change so much and so often .
8 Third , the plight of the business may be so grave , and the selection of the individuals concerned so inevitable and so urgently required , that consultation would make absolutely no difference to the outcome .
9 It had taken her months to get used to eating so late and so many times a day .
10 ‘ I have observed you very closely , Alice , and I do not believe you lack a passionate side to your nature for all you choose to appear so cool and so calm .
11 Each time I saw you coming dancing towards me along a sunny street , moving lightly on your toes like a boxer , with your slightly duck-toed run that I , a turned-out-toes walker , found so male and so sexy , my heart jumped in my throat and I wanted to run towards you and throw myself into your arms .
12 Aye , I think " till do , but the pleasure of considering I shall so entirely have her in my power is not a little disturbed by reflecting how terribly the poor creature will be shocked at finding that innocence betrayed she has so long and worthily defended .
13 She looks so silly and so beautiful , he thought ; not surprising that she gets the money on .
14 Erm , he is erm regarded as in terms of erm , he tried so hard and just
15 I conclude that they have done so much and so well they will find it hard to let go those duties .
16 Had she ever felt so brittle and so cold ?
17 However , on rare occasions — perhaps twice before in recorded history — a change occurs so profound and so far-reaching that the entire orientation of society is altered completely in a relatively short period .
18 Hari tried to conceal her surprise , she had believed the man to be a famous actor , he seemed so colourful and too theatrical to simply be a businessman .
19 She said in a low , fierce voice , ‘ Why do n't you smile and look nice , ’ and he blinked with surprise , looking so small and so sweet that she softened .
20 Williamson assumes that at least some people might behave in strategic , guileful ways , if they can do so undetected and thereby promote their own interest .
21 Rovers were 2-0 in the opening 15 minutes through Morrissey and John Aldridge and perhaps made a rod for their own backs by scoring so early and then failing to add to that lead until the 77th minute through Neil McNab .
22 Oh yes quite so and if they 're doing well they really , local people really get behind them , but they , they 've prom in previous seasons they they 've promised so much and then fell away at the end that people have got a bit disillusioned and discontented so that , but like last year when they were doing well in the cup they erm at Watford I mean loads of people went to see them .
23 Well , not really but they have been disillusioned over the years they 've promised so much and then they 've never seemed seemed to get anywhere but I think , I honestly think they would , people would get behind them , if they could see they were going somewhere I mean like this season they seem to have fallen away yet again .
24 It is amazing that you can look so undignified and yet sound so much more authoritative ! ’
25 One reason is they have drawn so little and therefore can give so little .
26 THE FIRST thing you notice about The Wishplants is how they make performing on stage look so good and so damn easy .
27 It is to the credit of these players ( and to William MacIlwraith 's also ) that I do not recall ever having laughed so much and so heartily at a play that I liked so little . ’
28 It happened so fast and so drastically that I nearly slid after him , managing only instinctively to pivot on one foot and throw myself headlong back onto the boards still remaining solid behind the hole .
29 On July 25th , 1908 , the rails forced their way into Denwood , and those who had been waiting so long and patiently considered that the prizes were theirs at last .
30 When you exacerbate this situation by confronting him with direct questioning or something which intimidates him and causes him to feel even more nervous , his breathing can become so rapid and so shallow that it borders on hyperventilation .
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