Example sentences of "[verb] go out of [art] " in BNC.

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1 If you say that the Nationalists of Ireland have a right to claim to go out of the united Kingdom as a community if you say that five or six per cent of the whole of the United Kingdom have that right because they wish to have separate rule for themselves , how can you say that a body in Ireland , not five or six per cent , but twenty-five per cent of the whole population , has not an equal right to separate treatment ?
2 ‘ I did n't — I did n't want to go out of the station for a while .
3 ‘ The reason we have had so many problems of late is that the fizz has gone out of the market , ’ Abrahams says .
4 hurricane has gone out of the news now , once something like that has happened there 's always another disaster coming behind that actually takes over the headlines , so , about six months , a year , two years afterwards they were still finding that in parts of Europe the general level of nuclear activity was higher than it had been before Chernobyl , why would that happen ?
5 Local accountability has gone out of the window ; Ministers no longer even talk about it , because they know that it is not a reality .
6 We believe that the principle of accountability in local democracy has gone out of the window under this Government .
7 He turned to go out of the room .
8 From what i understand you have got to go out of the road to get to get er well this er well whatever it is , this
9 He knew he could not dare go out of the main door .
10 Erm I think that 's had gone out of the coal merchanting business erm probably by nineteen twenty or earlier , I think .
11 Gwendoline go out of the room , how dare you squeal like that .
12 Horribly frightened by this time , for she could not believe that Susan would have gone out of the house , she ran into the kitchen , and stopped short at the sight of the familiar figure sitting crouched in front of the fire .
13 And when Benn started hitting him with those big shots in the 11th , the textbook should have gone out of the window for the animal instinct to take over but he did n't have it the way I had against Benn and Michael Watson , unfortunately .
14 But they insisted to go out of the front . ’
15 ‘ They were telling everying to go out of the front of the shop , ’ he said .
16 Later , Emerson was to continue racing in other forms , in the US Cart championship and elsewhere : the bug was still in him , success came occasionally , but the spirit seemed to have gone out of the man .
17 And they fought the fire until they were finally er had to go out of the tower altogether .
18 ‘ When did you last go out of the house ? ’ he asked suddenly .
19 At best , he would now only send fresh generals against the Christian force ; but even after El Cid 's death , much of the heart had gone out of the Moorish invaders .
20 All the shine had gone out of the evening .
21 But he had gone out of the front door , banging it , leaving his shoes on the table which she 'd always believed was bad luck .
22 The brashness had gone out of the sunlight , and the air had a chill .
23 The heart had gone out of the day .
24 The other children pulled his leg and generally teased him about what he had seen but the child strenuously defended his story ; somehow the fun had gone out of the adventure and they decided to return home .
25 Certainly the sting had gone out of the words ; I could think of them without being quite so ashamed .
26 Dora had told him that Miss Alexandra was but a month short of her twenty-second birthday and he had gone out of the kitchen , scratching his head in disbelief .
27 All the fun had gone out of the game .
28 The court hinted that the accused was guilty even though not all of the goodness had gone out of the property .
29 Something had gone out of the day , Caroline thought , but what ?
30 Anyway , the Chinese seem excessively embarrassed and concerned about an incident of this type , and we have been kept under very careful supervision ( I am sure for our sakes , in their eyes ) whenever we have gone out of the hotel .
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