Example sentences of "[verb] but at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Valerie is still hopeful that she 'll be able to get the school reopened but at the moment it looks as if this is as close as these children will get to being at Brockweir School .
2 and they sort of met and how they did n't hit I do n't know but at the moment it 's , well get the car back today it 's er been away being done , cos somebody smashed into him
3 ‘ Maybe there will be someone to fill Lineker 's shoes in years to come but at the moment the replacements must be given a chance to do it in their own time . ’
4 … a set of men who live by death and never care to appear but at the End of Man 's Life … their Business is to watch Death , and to furnish out the Funeral Solemnity , with as much pomp and feigned sorrow as the Heirs or Successors of the Deceased chose to purchase : They are a hard-hearted Generation , and require more money than Brains to conduct their Business ; I know no one Qualification peculiarly necessary to them , except that is a steady , demure and melancholy Countenance at Command : I do not know , that they take Apprentices in their Capacity as Undertakers , for they are generally Carpenters , or Herald-Painters besides ; and they only employ , as Journeymen , a set of Men whom they have picked up , possessed of a sober Countenance , and a solemn melancholy Face , whom they pay at so much a Jobb .
5 But your Major alas … ’ ‘ … while we look not at the things which are seen but at the things which are not seen : for the things which are seen are temporal ; but the things which are not seen are eternal … ’
6 She had quite expected him to stop the car on the way home and make a grab at her and she was all prepared to cope with it , had her little speech ready about what a wonderful evening she 'd had but at the moment she was concentrating on her career and did n't really want to waste time on that kind of thing .
7 Earlier material may be shown but at the discretion of the school .
8 It makes you think but at the end of the day you 've trained your horses to be here and do it well .
9 He recovered but at the age of 22 was left almost completely bald and had to wear a wig , a fashion he discarded in the heat of India .
10 There were so many things to do but at the back of her mind she knew she would never do any of them .
11 we get what you 're saying but at the moment er can , can we stick on skills and abilities and try and
12 One may look not only at the rest of the section in which the word appears but at the statute as a whole , and even at earlier legislation dealing with the same subject-matter — for it is assumed that when Parliament passed an Act , it probably had the earlier legislation in mind , and probably intended to use words with the same meaning as before .
13 Negative publicity associated with alcohol abuse — eg drunken driving or underage drinking — is directed not only at the individuals involved but at the industry as well .
14 Time will tell but at the moment we are quite hopeful that this lovely sword will now be established within the European hobby and grace fishkeepers ' tanks for years to come .
15 Now I am very ashamed of the way I felt but at the time my feelings were very strong .
16 Only even I could n't have known there 'd be nowhere to stay but at the Hall !
17 No light is admitted but at the entrance , and through a hole in the thatch , which gives vent to the smoke .
18 EVER-MARRIED ( WOMEN ) — The term includes currently married women and women who once married but at the time of the observation were divorced , separated or widowed , and excludes single persons .
19 Results are obtained but at the cost of personal relationships and the outcomes are not necessarily the optimum possible .
20 The number of eighteen-year-olds seeking further and higher education is currently on the decline , at the same time as more of the graduates emerging from university are non-cognate ; thus a balance is being held but at the expense of ‘ RICS students ' .
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