Example sentences of "[verb] she for [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The outspoken Mrs Clinton , an assertive Leftish lawyer , has already become a campaign issue because of a scathing remark she made about women who ‘ stay at home and bake cookies ’ and because Mr Clinton says he will consider her for a job in his Cabinet once he wins the White House .
2 Progress was painfully slow ; I had owned her for a year before she wagged her tail at me .
3 Mutely he blessed her for the information and , after quickly slaking his appetite , he was drawn — as if he had no will of his own — to the pothouse , where he picked up Joanna , went out with her into the fields , and made love with a sweating savagery which seemed to satisfy even her and delivered him of a madness which had gathered like an abscess .
4 If Duke Egeus did not ask Hermia to choose between Demetrius and life in a nunnery in Act 1 , there would be no point pressing her for an answer four acts later .
5 After visiting Queen 's the man took her for a walk near Twickenham Bridge where he attacked her .
6 ‘ What happened , Fabia ? ’ he relentlessly pursued her for an answer .
7 Previously he had blamed her for the lack of sexual satisfaction she gave him , experiencing her as semi-frigid and totally unexciting .
8 Some connection having been made in his mind , he began to rebuke her for a belief in the reality of Noah 's Ark , which he referred to sarcastically as the Myth of the Deluge .
9 Amidst the noise of children shouting , women calling across the alley , and dogs barking , Sarah seemed to hear her father condemning her for the way she had behaved these last months , and her misery grew .
10 Vass regarded her for a moment .
11 The blue eyes narrowed as he regarded her for a moment .
12 He regarded her for a moment as though considering what she 'd told him .
13 This being a movie , Sandra is recognised , by a young American woman who won her place in the workshop in a competition and who now , shyly , politely , asks if she can trouble her for an autograph .
14 On the grounds that James IV 's will had nominated her for the regency only if she remained a widow , the Scottish Estates sent for the Duke of Albany , descendant of that Stewart who had plagued James III .
15 Forget her for a minute if you can , ’ snarled Marc .
16 What possible reason could a sane man have for thanking her for an evening that had never happened ?
17 She returned Myra 's greeting , thanking her for the card .
18 She answered the telephone , thanked the Martellis for thanking her for the party .
19 ‘ I was wondering whether you 'd arranged to meet her for a talk — to break the news to her ? ’
20 Just for a moment he met her eyes , his own very dark and filled with something that made her heart start to beat rapidly , high in her throat , yet nothing could have prepared her for the shock of what he said .
21 But nothing could have prepared her for the intimacy of the pictures .
22 Nothing Isa Blagden had said had prepared her for the fright .
23 Nothing Ruth had ever imagined prepared her for the magnificence of that day 's scene on the Mersey , though she saw most of it through a mist of tears .
24 Nothing could have prepared her for the beauty they had just shared , and she knew that for as long as she lived she would never regret giving herself to this man .
25 Then he ignored her for the rest of the evening .
26 He studied her for a second , eyes narrowed .
27 He studied her for a moment .
28 He studied her for a moment , noting how she had aged .
29 He studied her for a moment , and she took in his steel-grey , twill-weave trousers and ivory shirt of raw silk .
30 Frowning , he studied her for a moment , then , with an impatient curse , yanked the ribbon away and unwound her braid .
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