Example sentences of "[verb] she to the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 might tempt her to the wrong thoughts .
2 Her General Practitioner referred her to the surgical Outpatients Clinic where the surgeon examined her and placed her on the waiting list for stripping ( removal ) of varicose veins .
3 The coroner , Harold Price , heard at Walthamstow Coroner 's Court in north-east London that baby Kim 's GP and health visitor referred her to the social services on the day she died , said it was vital that such referrals should be made as soon as possible .
4 Blood tests revealed Louise 's haemoglobin level was down and doctors referred her to the local hospital .
5 The test came back positive and Fiona 's doctor referred her to the top London expert in toxoplasma .
6 In the meantime , while your kitten is polishing her hunting skills by stalking your feet , you can introduce her to the civilised way to eat .
7 A Salvation Army boy who was studying medicine invited her to the Christian Union .
8 Her bedside book , often reread , was Anthony Trollope 's The Small House at Allington but tonight it could no longer translate her to the reassuring , comfortable , nostalgic world of Barsetshire , to croquet on Mrs Dale 's lawn and dinner at the squire 's table .
9 A longer length of rope was circled around her shoulders and under the table , then over her gorgeous breasts and downwards until her rib cage was completely covered in coiled rope , which fastened her to the hard wooden table .
10 A tramp had found her freezing and near to death on the doorstep of a gin palace near the Elephant and Castle and he had carried her to the local Catholic church .
11 " If that 's the trouble , you could n't do better than to entrust her to the skilled understanding of the Sisters . "
12 In an effort to find an ally in helping her , I mentioned her to the local priest .
13 Faintly disappointed , she emptied her lungs and resumed the walk which would bring her to the main gate .
14 Pots of money and willing at first to squire her to the latest ‘ in ’ restaurants and nightspots , charity balls , Henley , Ascot , the whole shebang . ’
15 She gave her name and address , and P.C. Clifford then drove her to the big office block in Upper Thames Street , just round the corner .
16 he bound her hands and raped her … he then drove her to the nearby village of Olney … where she was raped again …
17 He drove her to the very edge of ecstasy and then , as the quivering tide of sensation gathered momentum , he tipped her over and down into the fiery vortex .
18 Harriet drove her to the local hospital as soon as the pains started in mid-afternoon and , knowing how hazardous the road back in the dark could be at this time of the year , brought an overnight bag so that she could stay at a nearby hotel .
19 Ross had taken her home , gently helping her out of the taxi and escorting her to the front door .
20 He sobered instantly , taking her arm and leading her to the wrought-iron balcony .
21 Whenever a female enters his territory he courts her by swimming in a zig-zag dance , eventually leading her to the next where she enters and he prods her tail to entice her to lay her eggs .
22 Heat flared along her veins , ripple after ripple of heady sensation that shook her to the very depths .
23 Desire shook her to the very foundations of her being .
24 This time his arms wrapped around her , pulling her to the hard , strong warmth of his body , his hand bringing her face close again .
25 And why did the band have to choose that precise moment to play a waltz so that , rather than dancing apart in the modern way , he was drawing her closer , moulding her to the lean , taut length of him ?
26 He leaned forward once again , subjecting her to the unnerving illusion of being pinned by his shadow , trapped and oppressed by it , as if it carried physical weight , composed of all that he felt for her , lust and contempt .
27 Julia followed her to the private bed-sitting room , where her child was happily playing in his cot .
28 I followed her to the Georgian wing where the rooms were more human size .
29 Endill followed her to the sick bay .
30 So now Maggie was not afraid of the dark , even though the great windows exposed her to the full moon and turned her own skin white and pearly — a reflection of reflected light .
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