Example sentences of "[verb] she be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Remember that I do n't want Clare to know she 's included in the trust until she apologizes !
2 Michelle Dixon had claimed she was sacked from the massive Trees Park Village home in Middleton St George near Darlington after expressing concern over allegations of mice and cockroaches on the premises .
3 Alexandra tells you after she 's wet , but she ca n't tell you before , because she does n't know she 's going to !
4 Do n't you know she 's betrothed to Nahum Plunkett ?
5 She guessed he did not know she was calling from Hatherley .
6 I did n't know about it , I did n't even know she was looking for one then .
7 Lucy who did n't know she was going to be pounced on .
8 ‘ We invited him to appear and talk us through some film of him as a boy , and he did n't know she was going to be there .
9 Yes I did know she was going to be in Caracas and No I did n't tell you and Yes that was wrong but would it have been better if I 'd told you ?
10 He must know she was coming by now , too .
11 I looked across at Mum and found she was looking at Mrs Danby with an expression I did not recognize .
12 Apart from a handful of friends that were his own age , like Nicholas Soames and Lord Romsey — who were still fourteen or fifteen years Diana 's senior — most of the people Charles enjoyed seeing were older , with the result that Diana frequently found she was socializing with her father 's , or even grandfather 's , generation .
13 As a great admirer of ‘ Laura Ashley ’ dresses , she often wore the long , British-made cotton dresses to Embassy functions — once she found she was clothed in the same fabric as a sofa — an embarrassment which she carried off with great panache .
14 And when she found she was putting on some weight , she took up swimming regularly .
15 She found she was bursting for a pee , but was determined not to repeat Estelle 's performance .
16 erm to make the most of the holiday , and then found she was working in the sh in the middle .
17 Alexandra stood up , found she was standing on her own hem , bobbed a little to release herself and confronted a large , commanding woman pulling off brown suede gloves .
18 Matter of fact , I 'd forgotten she was going to be in the bloody country until she turned up .
19 ‘ I expect she 's looking for another husband , ’ she said .
20 Joanna said cynically , ‘ I expect she 's putting on an act just to — ’
21 ‘ Nothing much else , really , as you can see from what I told the Brigadier — except that , whatever 's happened , I 've got nothing to do with it — I expect she was attracted by the light in my window if she was lost . ’
22 Has she been employed by you for at least 26 weeks into the QW ?
23 Has she been employed by you into the QW for at least two years ( full-time ) or for five years ( part-time ) ?
24 Has she been bleeding for a two week period ?
25 And I think she 's just been erm has she been humiliated by him yet ?
26 She has valued herself as a beauty , and now that her looks have departed she is left with nothing :
27 ‘ The Duke wants to marry his cousin , Princess Flavia , but people say she 's going to be King Rudolf 's wife and the Queen . ’
28 You say she is working with the British ? ’
29 Some say she is robed in blue , others in yellow and red .
30 Friends and colleagues say she was motivated by what she saw as cruelty in the meat trade .
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