Example sentences of "[verb] by [art] [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Truman , lacking the experience of foreign affairs , was surrounded by the same advisers as Roosevelt and was willing to continue the same policy .
2 As for Freud , the clitoris continues to be surrounded by the same problems that it held for nineteenth-century medicine .
3 Only three of the players who reached the final of a recent South American tournament ( won by the All Blacks ) are on duty .
4 That it was once much greater is attested by the many traces of former lazy-beds to be seen on the grazing land .
5 Bourdieu 's articles on markets preceded by a few years his pieces on ‘ fields ’ .
6 There is nothing in the Bill which gives the slightest safeguard against that sort of asset stripping by the same companies to which sections of the National Bus Company were sold .
7 We 've been told to take off times , but if there 's one certainty , they 'll be rescheduled by a few hours before the season starts .
8 ‘ So far in our investigation we are aware of at least ten loyalist prisoners who have been interviewed by the same policemen .
9 Outside the TUC , individual trade unions have their own education programmes which are not always hampered by the same constraints .
10 Many techniques for stress reduction can be appropriated by the same injunctions to succeed that got you stressed in the first place , and should be discontinued if you spot that they have been subverted in this way ( unless your goal has also changed along the way from stress reduction to record-breaking ) .
11 Tony and I drag our boats up the beach and head off to the rocks , our balance oddly disturbed by the many hours afloat .
12 This contraction was most severely felt by the few employees in the smaller workshops .
13 In three months the whole area embraced by the several reports was closely examined and this potential danger to shipping erased from the charts .
14 If the provisions were to work , there had obviously to be a clear definition of the institutions to whom they applied and the institutions chosen were mainly those for which the Bank of England had supervisory responsibility under the 1979 Banking Act , expanded by a few additions .
15 Communal arrangements tend to be very short-lived and are , ironically , often beset by the same problems as plague the cereal-packet family .
16 It is the ‘ all'-inclusive macro-redistributive studies that capture most interest in general , but these are the studies that are beset by the most problems at all levels .
17 Alongees are now only made by a few manufacturers .
18 An important aspect of Piaget 's approach is his claim that , since children the world over are very similar physiologically and neurologically , and since the world they explore is regulated by the same laws of nature , progress , in terms of their ability to make sense of the world , will be broadly consistent across all children .
19 There are always conflicts between the demands imposed by the several disciplines .
20 It was not , save by a few visionaries , supposed that these secondary schools should be provided for everybody , nor that they should be free .
21 She has had fifty governments since the end of the war , many of them dominated by the same personalities and the same political party .
22 The Ancient Society of Kilwinning Archers is still in existence , kept going by a few enthusiasts , and the papingo shoot is held annually in June .
23 The salt we sprinkle on our food today is produced by the same methods our ancestors used , but we operate on a bigger scale .
24 The musical coherence produced by the same techniques in Arion is rare in the cantata , for its composers generally yielded to Italian influence in seeking vivid contrasts between movements .
25 From this angle he could see what he had not noticed before : the drawer of the cabinet , open by a few inches , and , inside , picked out clearly in the lamplight , an envelope with two words written on it in Greek .
26 If your weight increases by a few pounds ( about 1 kg ) from one day to the next , do nothing for a day or two to try to redress the balance ; your weight could well drop back quite naturally .
27 The ASB has highlighted two methods of dubious interpretation used by a few companies so far .
28 Compare this with a ‘ puzzle ’ structure used by the same authors with a similar age group of children who had asked for a ‘ horror mystery ’ drama .
29 That such genes exist is shown by the many mutants in the genes of mice that can result in abnormal limb development .
30 This aircraft , which was much admired by the many members and friends of the Branch who came to see it , had been active during the Gulf conflict .
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