Example sentences of "[verb] by a [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Shorter and his lieutenants were wary of a trap and had watched the forest lodge near Caesar 's Camp for several hours before finally making their rendezvous with Baptist Nunn but , as they entered the building , they were surrounded by a dozen officers who had been lying doggo nearby for many hours .
2 If the day had been wet , the kitchen range would be surrounded by a huge clothes horse hung with wet washing , and the room would smell of steam and drying clothes .
3 ‘ If the turf had been hard , ’ he said , ‘ we 'd have won by a hundred yards , ’ and then elaborated about Sir Ivor :
4 ‘ I was attacked by a dozen vagabonds two miles from here .
5 Bourdieu 's articles on markets preceded by a few years his pieces on ‘ fields ’ .
6 Pointon had been caught by a late Giggs tackle just before , and the referee decided that a strong word with the young Welshman , who had given United the lead with a goal worthy of crowning champions , was sufficient .
7 There is no excuse for being caught by a marked police vehicle — but there 's not much you can do about unmarked cars or cameras .
8 We 've been told to take off times , but if there 's one certainty , they 'll be rescheduled by a few hours before the season starts .
9 Biological breakdown of nitrate in freshwater and marine aquaria can also be harnessed by a special systems like the Nitrex Box
10 Among the cities most in danger around the world are : * Bangkok , which faces a sea level rise of six feet by 2010 ; * Shanghai , also threatened by a six feet rise , coupled with the danger that salt water would advance 40 miles up the Yangtze River , causing severe drinking water shortages ; * Hong Kong , where seas may engulf newly-reclaimed coastal land , and an increased frequency of typhoons , due to climate disruption , threaten the whole territory ; * Alexandria — the whole city " may disappear " unless major defence works are undertaken ; * Tokyo , which will need £40 billion of flood defences in order to protect new suburbs ; * Rio de Janeiro , whose tourist beaches and nearby coastal villages are in danger ; * London , where there is concern that the existing Thames flood barrier may prove insufficient .
11 His own rise to fame at club level had demonstrated the superiority of management by one man over management by a group , but the England team was still selected by a dozen officials ‘ expressing their views as to the merits of players without proper regard to blend and balance ’ .
12 Well if they 've separated you see you get one on the inside track , one on the outside track and they can be separated by a hundred metres so that there 's one , one side one
13 The children were assessed on two occasions , each separated by a three months interval .
14 The Zeila Fishing Community Training Centre , built by a United Nations fund , has been looted , every removable part of its generator has gone and its floors are littered with excrement and papers from upturned cupboards .
15 If the provisions were to work , there had obviously to be a clear definition of the institutions to whom they applied and the institutions chosen were mainly those for which the Bank of England had supervisory responsibility under the 1979 Banking Act , expanded by a few additions .
16 The branch and regional structure is overseen by a national Branches Committee made up of Regional Directors .
17 In many ways An Area of Darkness pre-empts Naipaul 's later work , India : A Wounded Civilization — about the devastation wrought by a thousand years of foreign rule .
18 Moreover , there are no major unresolved conflicts between states ( such as persist in , for example , the Middle East ) to be exploited by a potential arms supplier .
19 In one of the most outspoken statements ever made by a Metropolitan Police officer of his rank , he says : ‘ The council has been ensuring that as many cases as possible are referred to the SMG , a pernicious organisation spewing out lies and propaganda in pursuance of their own ideological aims .
20 Alongees are now only made by a few manufacturers .
21 But his plea for a four-month stay on the sewage ban while this search was completed was dismissed by David Mazzone , the federal judge overseeing the clean-up project , and rejected by a federal appeals court .
22 It was not , save by a few visionaries , supposed that these secondary schools should be provided for everybody , nor that they should be free .
23 The Ancient Society of Kilwinning Archers is still in existence , kept going by a few enthusiasts , and the papingo shoot is held annually in June .
24 They can be created with many of the electronic publishing packages but are often better produced by a dedicated forms program .
25 From this angle he could see what he had not noticed before : the drawer of the cabinet , open by a few inches , and , inside , picked out clearly in the lamplight , an envelope with two words written on it in Greek .
26 If your weight increases by a few pounds ( about 1 kg ) from one day to the next , do nothing for a day or two to try to redress the balance ; your weight could well drop back quite naturally .
27 The ASB has highlighted two methods of dubious interpretation used by a few companies so far .
28 Damage to the water supply , food chain , forests and soil of this once rural and beautiful area is being intensified by a natural phenomena known as " autumn inversion " which is trapping pollution and sending air pollution levels up ten times higher than international safety limits .
29 These are approximations in which the very large number of particles are replaced by a few quantities .
30 However it was not long before the majority rule was being challenged by a special circumstances doctrine , and by an even wider rule that directors owed fiduciary duties to shareholder per se .
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