Example sentences of "[verb] by the [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The whole valley was dominated by the towering massive craggy bulk of Hanuman Tibba ( 5,928m ) .
2 The curriculum of the last two years of primary school is inevitably dominated by the final public examinations a child takes .
3 Easily Accessible : Southwell is dominated by the impressive Norman Minster ( incidentally the most rural minster in Great Britain ) and is a quiet , pretty town , famous for the beautiful foliage carvings in the Chapter House .
4 In a society so deeply divided by class ( and gender and race ) inequalities , and increasingly dominated by the privatised technological culture of late capitalism , the social purpose orientation alone is now inadequate , however admirable it may have been in the past .
5 In a campaign dominated by the current economic crisis Vargas Llosa , long the pre-poll favourite , had called for " a clear mandate " to allow him to introduce radical economic measures to tackle recession and inflation ( then running at 30 per cent per month ) .
6 From June 1991 until Dec. 4 , 1991 , the DP had participated , as the main opposition party , in an administration dominated by the former communist party , the Socialist Party of Albania ( SPA ) .
7 Louis , count of Flanders , was pro-French ; his subjects , however , dominated by the great cloth-weaving towns of Bruges , Ghent , and Ypres were more likely to turn to England , the source of the wool upon which their industry and wealth depended .
8 His speeches were , of course , dominated by the great foreign political issues of the year , but there can be no doubt that Hitler was deliberately steering clear of the ‘ Jewish Question ’ , and that there was a continued conscious attempt to dissociate his public image from the seamier side of anti-Semitism visible in the renewed growing violence of Party activists .
9 In a major government reorganization in Croatia on Aug. 1 Tudjman included opposition politicians for the first time in a new " government of democratic unity " which continued to be dominated by the Croatian Democratic Union ( HDZ ) with 11 out of 27 posts .
10 The year 's activities have been dominated by the poor economic climate and in particular by the crisis in legal aid .
11 In a few years , the sward may become dominated by the coarse tussock-forming grass , Brachypodium pinnatum , and eventually the vegetation turns into some form of scrub and possibly woodland .
12 In an age which has become dominated by the Gross National Product and the Dow — Jones Index , the level of interest rates and the state of the pound , the money supply and the Public Sector Deficit , and at a more mundane level , the Sunday colour supplements offering a world of gourmet food and package holidays in the sun , it is a warning which is easily muffled by our culture .
13 The political consensus has also extended to the trade unions , where the position of the Trades Union Congress was dominated by the large industrial unions who had members within the nuclear fold .
14 The runtime of Floyd is dominated by the three nested for-loops , and so is O(n3) .
15 Political developments in 1990 continued to be dominated by the worsening ethnic conflict between the Moorish ( Arabic-speaking ) majority and the mainly French-speaking blacks ( who constitute about one-fifth of the country 's population ) , the growing military activities of black opposition movements , and the related tense relations with Senegal [ see pp. 36579-80 ; 36840 ; 36863-64 ; 37799 ; and below ; for dismissal of Interior Minister see above ] .
16 The paper was a poster advertising the play Shannon was to be working on — a poster dominated by the vivid blue eyes and harsh , hawklike features of the star player .
17 The new 10-member transitional federal government , dominated by the Civic Democratic Party ( ODS ) and the HZDS , was announced on July 1 .
18 But we 're not dictated to or dominated by the latest fashionable sample or the current BPM .
19 The early kerosene market was dominated by the American Standard Oil Company and Marcus Samuel realised the potential of Black Sea oil as a rival but had to design a new tanker to overcome stringent safety regulations operated by the Suez Canal .
20 The fourth component ( 2 per cent of variance ) was dominated by the thermal infra-red band , recording thermal characteristics of the surface at poor spatial resolution .
21 The universities , using an antiquated syllabus , turned out theologians , doctors , and lawyers and were dominated by the self-recruiting major colleges ( colegios mayores ) .
22 A close connection was evidently established between the territories dominated by the northern Anglian king and the claims of the church of York to wide-ranging ecclesiastical authority in north Britain , these claims perhaps encouraging a tendency to exaggerate the extent of the Northumbrian hegemony .
23 In this context the application by the Conservative MEPs in April 1991 to join the European People 's party ( which is dominated by the German Christian Democrats ) and its official endorsement have given rise to concern .
24 The Second International had been intellectually dominated by the German Social Democratic Party and the small British Socialist Party and Independent Labour Party seem to have accepted this without feeling bound to follow the directives of a single foreign party , let alone a government .
25 Since so many of the walks in this area are dominated by the old lead-mine workings it 's probably worthwhile looking for a little here at the history and techniques of lead-mining .
26 Egypt 's multiparty electoral system is dominated by the National Democratic Party ( NDP ) , which held 346 of the 448 elected seats in the People 's Assembly after the April 1987 elections ( see pp. 35224-25 ) .
27 The decision followed demands by the Union of Democratic Forces ( UDF ) and other opposition groups for a clarification of the position taken during the coup by the current Bulgarian government which was dominated by the Bulgarian Socialist Party ( BSP ) .
28 Two splinter groups from the UDF — the UDF-Centre ( dominated by the Bulgarian Social Democratic Party ) and the UDF-Liberals ( Green Party and Federation of Democracy Clubs ) signed on Oct. 8 an agreement on post-election co-operation .
29 In such a distinctly chic composition this hybrid between trelliswork and pergola helps contain the garden at ground level rather than allowing the view to be dominated by the high surrounding urban walls .
30 It was built in the early nineteenth century , soon after the enclosure of the medieval fields of the parish and still remains surrounded by the regular hawthorn-hedged fields planned by the enclosure surveyor .
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